Agenda item




To receive and comment on the annual report of progress made against the Council’s fulfilment of the statutory duty to maintain an effective safeguarding function with regard to children and adults at risk.




That the Committee:


i.          Received and commented on the annual report of progress made against the Council’s fulfilment of the statutory duty to maintain an effective safeguarding function with regard to children.


ii.         Received and commented on the annual report of progress made against the Council’s fulfilment of the statutory duty to maintain an effective safeguarding function with regard to adults at risk.


iii.         Agreed that sufficient and robust processes are in place at NHDC for application and review of safeguarding processes, and that an annual review and presentation to this committee should continue.


REASON FOR DECISION:  The resolution is the best course of action that can be accommodated within the approved budget and officer resources, that will fulfil our statutory and lawful obligations but also ensure that a regular, corporate review exists.


Audio Recording 3 minutes 28 seconds


The Community Health and Wellbeing Team Leader presented the Annual Report to provide an overview of the activity within the Council over the last 12 months. 


The District Council had a supportive role and a duty to report concerns about Children or Adults at risk to the relevant agencies as well as a duty to report this information to the Statutory agencies about Children or Adults at risk involved with any of the Council’s services.


The Committee were provided with an overview of the referrals made during 2017/18.  In total 114 referrals were made to external agencies from any Council Department.  Nineteen children were referred to social care.  Seven referrals were made to MARAC (Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference) or Adults experiencing domestic abuse where there were no children in those families. In order for those referrals to take place the Council required the consent from the Adults.  Adults concerned were only able to be logged if they did not provide consent for referral and no further action taken.   


Over the year the Council had reported thirteen adults to social care over concerns that they were experiencing abuse.  In case of adults the Council had to obtain their consent to refer for support, but could provide support without consent, if the Council believed an incapacity such as dementia, temporary illness, substance misuse or another disability. 


Two people were referred to the Channel Panel about concern they might have been a victim of radicalisation, and would need consent before referral.


The referral rate from the District Council had steadily increased across the last 5 years and substantially increased particularly for the last 12 month period and the 12 month before.  However, rates of referrals going into Statutory Agencies, had not particularly changed during that period.  This was not because more abuse was taking place, but of an increased awareness amongst Officers and increased people’s confidence of how to refer.


Regarding the actions completed within the 12 month period, the most significant was that the Council had conducted corporate learning and incorporated guarding training requirements of every post possible:


           Therefore safeguarding was a mandatory course for all Officers at appropriate levels dependent on contact with children and adults at risk.  Offered as an e-learning/half day/full day course, but now know what everyone needs. Excellent step forward and partly explains why the Council also had an increase in referrals.

           The Council had awareness on Trafficking and Modern Day Slavery as a mandatory course for all staff.


The following Members asked questions, which were answered by Helen Rae, Community Health & Wellbeing Team Leader & Rebecca Coates, Community Safety Manager:


o          Councillor Gerald Morris;

o          Councillor Ian Mantle;

o          Councillor Martin Stears-Handscomb;

o          Councillor Sue Ngwala




That the Committee:


i.          Received and commented on the annual report of progress made against the Council’s fulfilment of the statutory duty to maintain an effective safeguarding function with regard to children.


ii.         Received and commented on the annual report of progress made against the Council’s fulfilment of the statutory duty to maintain an effective safeguarding function with regard to adults at risk.


iii.         Agreed that sufficient and robust processes are in place at NHDC for application and review of safeguarding processes, and that an annual review and presentation to this committee should continue.


REASON FOR DECISION:  The resolution is the best course of action that can be accommodated within the approved budget and officer resources, that will fulfil our statutory and lawful obligations but also ensure that a regular, corporate review exists.

Supporting documents: