Agenda item


To consider any questions submitted by Members of the Council, in accordance with Standing Order 4.8.11 (b).


Questions regarding the following were submitted:


(a)   Consultation on Permitted Development for Shale Gas Exploration


(b)   Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) for North Hertfordshire


(c)   What contingency plans has this Council put in place to deal with the implications to the Council and the District in the event Brexit goes ahead on 29 March this year?”


(d)   The area's subsidised door-to-door bus service to the Lister and New QEII.


Audio Recording – Start of Item – Session 1 – 1 hour 35 minutes 50 seconds


In accordance with Standing Order 4.8.11(b), the following questions were submitted:


(a)   Consultation on Permitted Development for Shale Gas Exploration


By Councillor Ian Albert to Councillor David Levett (Executive Member for Planning):


‘The North Herts District Council Cabinet at its December meeting noted and endorsed a response to the MHCLG consultation on Permitted Development for Shale Gas exploration (Fracking).  The response to MHCLG would appear to indicate that Shale Gas Exploration (fracking) could be agreed in North Hertfordshire in given circumstances.


Will the Executive Member for Planning, Enterprise and Transport explain the reasons for the response to MHCLG and what consultation was undertaken with Councillors and the public before the response was sent?’


In response Councillor Levett explained that the consultation was a public consultation exercise and therefore it had been open for anyone to submit a response.   It would usually be the responsibility of the County Council to respond to such consultation.  However, given the topic matter, the District Council considered it necessary to also submit a response having consulted the County Council, which was prepared with the relevant Members as per delegations in the Constitution.  It was further noted that Shale Gas Exploration was unlikely to occur in the District.


Councillor Albert asked a supplementary question.  Councillor Levett again emphasised that it had been a public consultation and explained that the consultation related to a particular type of fracking where the Government had asked whether the proposed conditions were sufficient, the Council’s response being that additional conditions were required.  



(b)   Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) for North Hertfordshire


By Councillor Ian Albert to Councillor David Levett (Executive Member for Planning):


‘The NHDC Cabinet at its December meeting reaffirmed its decision of 30th July 2013 that “a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) for North Hertfordshire be not pursued for the time being”. However, a number of other Councils in Hertfordshire have introduced CIL effectively and productively.


Will the Executive Member for Planning, Enterprise and Transport explain:


      What factual evidence was used in reaching the decision not to implement a CIL charging schedule in North Herts at this time;


      What wider consultation on CIL took place with Councillors and the public in advance of the December Cabinet meeting; and


       What will the process be to enable the Full Council to make an informed decision on this issue?”


In response Councillor Levett explained that the approach was detailed in the report to Cabinet, factors included the efficiency of using S106 agreements, the experience of others using CIL and time and cost of administrating CIL.


The evidence gathered had not demonstrated the CIL was effective or productive and where CIL was in operation no funds had been distributed by the collecting authorities to the County Council for contributions to education, highways etc.


There were no plans for Council to make a decision on the matter and if Members were not satisfied with a decision of the Cabinet, call-in provisions were available.


(c)   Brexit


By Councillor Paul Marment to Councillor Lynda Needham (Leader of the Council):


‘What contingency plans has this Council put in place to deal with the implications to the Council and the District in the event Brexit goes ahead on 29 March this year?’


In response Councillor Needham explained that the Council had compiled an impact log of potential Brexit implications which was regularly discussed at Senior Management Team.


The Council’s Human Resources Team had confirmed that of the Council’s employees, 26 were of ‘white other background’, although it was unknown if the staff were of European descent.  It was clarified that when requested to state ethnicity 26 people had declined meaning the Council had no knowledge if those staff were European nationals.


There were ongoing discussions at the Policy and Partnership meetings which included a County Council representative.  The County were collating what each authority was doing in preparation of Brexit and shared those findings


The Resilience Officer and Policy Officer received the minutes from the Herts Strategic  Coordinating Group regarding the multi agency management of emergency affects post Brexit within Hertfordshire.


The Leader also explained the Council’s involvement outside of Hertfordshire in preparation for Brexit.


Cllr Marment asked a supplementary question and in response the Leader stated that should a request from the Government be received for funding, the Council would carefully consider the request to ensure that it provided protection to the residents in North Hertfordshire. 


(d)       The area's subsidised door-to-door bus service to the Lister and New QEII.


The following question was unsuccessful in the ballot conducted on 14 January 2019, and was dealt with by way of a written response from the Leader to all Members of the Council as per section 4.8.11(f) of the Constitution:


Councillor Helen Oliver to Councillor Lynda Needham (Leader of the Council):


‘Our area's subsidised door-to-door bus service to the Lister and New QEII was cut in December. This has left vulnerable, people who may be sick or have disabilities.


What formal communications will the Leader of the Council be making to our colleagues at Hertfordshire County Council, to indicate the impact of this loss on local people and to secure a solution to the shortfall in access to healthcare?’


Following the meeting a response was provided and circulated in MIS on 1 February 2019.


Supporting documents: