Agenda item



Royston Cricket Club


Mr David May, Chairman and Nigel, Committee Member, Royston Cricket Club thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee regarding their application.


The Chairman thanked Mr May for his presentation.


North Herts Multiple Sclerosis Society


Ms Susan Gibbons, a member of the North Herts Multiple Sclerosis Society, thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee regarding their grant application.


The Chairman thanked Ms Gibbons for her presentation.


TLG Make Lunch


Councillor Ruth Brown declared a Declarable Interest in that she was a member of the Church that ran the project, although she played no part in that project. She advised that she would remain in the room, but would take no part in the vote.


Councillor Bill Davidson declared a Declarable Interest in that his wife was on the management committee. He advised that he would remain in the room but take no paek in the vote.


Ms Cate Hall, TLG Make Lunch, thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee regarding their grant application.


The Chairman thanked Ms Hall for her presentation.


Audio Recording – Start time of Item – 2 minutes 2 seconds


Royston Cricket Club


Mr David May, Chairman and Nigel, Committee Member, Royston Cricket Club thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee regarding their application.


Mr May informed members of the following:


·                     The Club started in 1760;

·                     It was a very active club with 150 members - adults, juniors and 5-8 year olds and an ECB All Stars Programme;

·                     They supported the Sunday side run by Therfield and Kelsall Sports Club;

·                     The Club was trying to grow participation and active sport within cricket and provide sport for those who wanted to participate;

·                     Team growth was needed and for this to happen investment in facilities was required to fulfil league ground requirements; and

·                     They had a layered plan to develop facilities at Therfield to improve training facilities and develop the club house.


In response to questions from Members, David May advised that:


·                There were three streams of funding – memberships, match fees and year book in which local businesses advertise;

·                Funding covered roller and engine repair.  A capital pot was being developed to enable work to be done; and

·                5-8 years - non-competitive; 8-15 years – 50 players; 13-15 year olds could play adult cricket and 15+ played senior/adult cricket.


The Chairman thanked Mr May for his presentation.


Audio Recording – Start time of Item – 7 minutes 55 seconds


North Herts Multiple Sclerosis Society


Ms Susan Gibbons, a member of the North Herts Multiple Sclerosis Society, thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee regarding their grant application.


·                Funding was required for an innovative bike which provided bilateral and symmetrical exercise which enabled mobility, strengthening and coordination for both upper and lower limbs. The stability of the design offered more support to a greater range of users including those who had limited movement or had spasms;

·                Motivational aspects were included within the programmes which would further enhance the benefits of users, encouraging symmetry and motivation to go further or faster;

·                Each physio session was attended by individuals of mixed ability, including wheelchair users;

·                New people were all assessed by their well-established physio with the support of a volunteer, retired physio and two pilates instructors (one of whom was also occupational therapy trained);

·                Members were also offered other activities;

·                60th Anniversary in 2018.  Outings and Christmas lunch all paid for by Society;

·                Funds were mainly sourced from donations and flag day participation throughout North Herts during the year;

·                Tesco had kindly made a donation towards the bike;

·                Lunch was available for £3/head if wanted by members after physio;


In response to questions from Members Sue advised that:


·                     16 members were from Royston; 11 from the Baldock, 29 were from Letchworth and 30 from Hitchin;

·                     There were Initiatives which were involved with Parkinson’s disease;

·                     Balance of funds required for this would be provided by the Society;

·                     Funds had been requested from other area committees;

·                     Exercises were varied for each member on a weekly basis;

·                     Sessions were held in Hadleigh, Letchworth.


The Chairman thanked Ms Gibbons for her presentation.


Audio Recording – Start time of Item – 20 minutes and 2 seconds


TLG Make Lunch


Councillor Ruth Brown declared a Declarable Interest in that she was a member of the Church that ran the project, although she played no part in that project. She advised that she would remain in the room, but would take no part in the vote.


Councillor Bill Davidson declared a Declarable Interest in that his wife was on the management committee. He advised that he would remain in the room but take no part in the vote.


Ms Cate Hall, TLG Make Lunch, thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee regarding their grant application.


·                     Make Lunch had now merged with TLG, a national charity which helped to reduce childhood poverty in the UK by feeding hungry children;

·                     Future aim was to have a lunch kitchen in every town/city wherever the need was required;

·                     Raised awareness of child poverty and had influenced change on a national level;

·                     Funding was required for first aid training as one first aider was necessary for each session;

·                     30 children attended each session;

·                     Children who were entitled to free school meals could be referred through schools.  Families who were struggling financially could also be invited;

·                     350 children in Royston were entitled to free school meals;

·                     They had outgrown the kitchen in Town Hall an now use both the Oak Room and the Ball Room were being used at the Old Bull who had offered to cook at cost;

·                     Children played with crafts and games, aided by volunteers and parents had an opportunity to relax;

·                     They held a sponsored Christmas party; 

·                     Hampers were delivered to families;

·                     Children enjoyed holidays with the Falcon Holiday group;

·                     Funding from various local, independent and national sources;

·                     Budget for 2018 was £7,000; and

·                     They were looking for their own building to enable expansion;


In response to questions from Members, including Councillor Morris were advised that:


·                     The service ran two days’ per week during the school holidays only;

·                     First aiders needed to be retrained and they wanted more than one member of staff with the necessary training.


The Chairman thanked Ms Hall for her presentation.