Agenda item


To receive an oral presentation from the Hitchin BID Manager.


Mr Tom Hardy, Hitchin BID Manager, thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation regarding the issues and activities in Hitchin Town Centre.




(1)       That Hitchin Committee is supportive of the principal of Hitchin Market applying for external funding;


(2)       That the Hitchin BID Manager be requested to circulate details of the funding applied for and the application to all Members of the Committee.


Audio recording – Start of Item – 4 minutes 53 seconds


Mr Tom Hardy, Hitchin BID Manager, thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation regarding the issues and activities in Hitchin Town Centre and drew attention to the following:


BID Update

·                    There were some new Town Centre Rangers;

·                    There were some new Night Rangers, working on Friday and Saturday nights from 10.30pm to 3.30 am;

Their remit was to concentrate on public wellbeing, directing people to venues and improve security;

The Night Rangers report weekly to the BID Manager

·                    Consideration was being given to improving the quality  CCTV in Churchgate and the Arcade in order to support the Police with any potential prosecutions;

·                    The commercial waste discount scheme had been restarted, which consisted of a mass procurement initiative;

·                    The Cardboard collection scheme was being continued with approx. 2 tonnes collected each month, which was then compacted and recycled;

·                    A new coffee grounds recycling scheme was being started. The grounds were sent to a recycling plant where they were compacted into logs for burning on wood burners. These logs were good for the environment as they were 80 percent more efficient to burn than wood;

·                    A new contractor had been appointed for the Christmas lights;

·                    NHDC had previously provided a Christmas tree for the Town. The BID would from now on be sourcing a Christmas tree this year with funds provided by NHDC;

·                    Floral displays were in place, they had been spread out around the Town;

·                    Work was stating on a Tourism Strategy with the aim of promoting Hitchin as a destination venue. The BID was looking to bring key people together to contribute to the Strategy and consider how it would be delivered;

·                    They were looking at improvements to the BID office and to provide more Hitchin based products;

·                    They were working with NHDC on a deep clean and chewing gum removal in the Town Centre, this was due to start on 24 June 2019.



·                    This year events would be business based;

·                    Street dates have been increased;

·                    Beach week would make a return;

·                    Food Fest;

·                    Hitchin Rocks Music Day;

·                    Christmas Lights Switch on would be held on Saturday 30 November 2019.


Awards to Hitchin Businesses

·                    Etcetera received Retailer of the Year for the second year running;

·                    Gatwoods received Family Business of the Year.


Hitchin Market

·                    Residents and businesses see the Market as more than a commercial entity, but also as an historical asset to the Town;

·                    It was acknowledged that an application had been submitted for Future Towns Funding;

·                    It was felt that the Market deserved consideration in its own right;

·                    Action Zone funding was available through Historic England;

·                    Hitchin Market was keen to submit an application, but needed support from the Council;

·                    Mr Hardy therefore asked Hitchin Committee to support such an expression of Interest in applying for the funding.


The following Members asked questions and took part in the debate:


·                    Councillor Richard Thake;

·                    Councillor Keith Hoskins;

·                    Councillor Martin Stears-Handscomb;

·                    Councillor Paul Clark;

·                    Councillor Ian Albert;

·                    Councillor Kay Tart;

·                    Councillor Mike Hughson.


The main points of the discussion were that:

·                    That a review of pedestrianisation be undertaken;

·                    The timing of waste collections;


·                    The principal of submitting applications for funding was supported, but the Committee was unable to support an application that they had not seen




(1)        That Hitchin Committee is supportive of the principal of Hitchin Market applying for external funding;


(2)        That the Hitchin BID Manager be requested to circulate details of the funding applied for and the application to all Members of the Committee;


(3)       That the Executive Member for Enterprise and Co-Operative Development be requested to discuss this proposal with Officers and take the matter forward.


REASON FOR DECISION: To consider the proposed expression of interest for funding by Hitchin Market.