Agenda item



Audio Recording – Start time of Item – 2 minutes and 10 seconds


At 7.35pm Councillor Terry Tyler entered the meeting.


Sergeant Guy Westwood delivered a presentation on behalf of Hertfordshire Constabulary.


The following points were highlighted:


·         Various changes had been made to the Team;

·         A new computer system ‘Athena’ had been installed which allowed communication with 11 other forces however there were teething problems;

·         It was not possible to compare Crime figures and the accuracy of the figures was unknown due to the changes to the recording system;

·         The classification of burglaries had changed being split into dwellings and non-dwellings and this had made it difficult to compare with last year’s figures;

·         Online crime recording meant there were more ways to report crime;

·         Overlap of figures across the area affected the outcomes;

·         Crime figures had increased by 12% overall across the county - there had been double recording on some of the crimes so the accuracy was unknown;

·         Outcome rate increased over the year as the burglars were apprehended;

·         There had been a reduction in business burglaries;

·         The constabulary was trying to educate the public to secure their vehicles as car crime had increased;

·         An increase in domestic abuse numbers was seen as positive as it meant that more cases were being reported;

·         Not all cases of domestic abuse were progressed - work was needed to bring perpetrators to justice;

·         There had been 3 robberies in Hitchin compared to 53 in North Hertfordshire this year however this might be due to knife crime which was uncategorised at present;

·         Assault, both verbal and physical had increased;

·         There had been a reduction in criminal damage – a lot of work had been done however there was more to do;

·         Antisocial behaviour had decreased taking into consideration that more incidents were being reported;

·         Presentations were being made to local schools regarding knife crime;

·         Rural priorities were environmental, vehicle damage, domestic burglaries and anti-social use of vehicles however if there were other areas of concern that could be discussed with the public and Councillors in future;


In response to the presentation, questions were received from the following Councillors:


·         Councillor Frost

·         Councillor Tyler

·         Councillor Strong


The following concerns were raised:


·         Residents and Councillors had reported ongoing drug related crime in Offley and Lilley.  There were some school-aged children and older children who had drugs on their possession and were not discreet about the fact.

·         Younger children needed to be educated regarding knife crime.


Audio Recording – Start time of Item – 30 minutes and 22 seconds


Vicky Wyer of Churchgate Resurgance PB Group thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation, the main points of which were detailed below:


·         New experienced-based economy was required and one that would give a reason for people to visit the town;

·         NHDC held the freehold to Churchgate development area and was in a key position to be able to realise its potential;

·         A considerable amount of time and money had already been spent and more was needed to conclude the matter;

·         Surveys revealed overwhelmingly positive results concerning the need for revitalising the area and its potential;

·         A mixed-use development with flexible sized retail on the ground floor would give adaptability to future trends;

·         Rented residential accommodation on the upper floors would help to spread the risk and address local housing needs which included social housing and low income rental;

·         Community hub focussed on the arts and wellness could provide an alternative site to St Albans and Welwyn;

·         Improvement to riverside terraces and creation of riverside walks would make the area more attractive to tourists;

·         Increased parking would generate more revenue;

·         Introduction of new bus hub and/or park and ride scheme;

·         A rejuvenated market with an independently operated street food hall could be transformative;

·         Low rents, short leases and attractive appearance were key to success;

·         North Herts towns should be well differentiated but any change had to play to their strengths;


Chairman thanked Mrs Wyer for her presentation.


Audio Recording – Start time of Item – 39 minutes and 38 seconds


No representative from Home-Start Hertfordshire was present.


Audio Recording – Start time of Item – 39 minutes and 57 seconds


Mr Edison Jefferies, Secretary of Breachwood Green Cricket Club thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation regarding the grant application:


·         Storage containers were sat on railway sleepers which had rotted.  The containers were sinking into the ground and access to them was difficult;

·         A concrete base was needed so they could be returned to their original position;

·         Trying to future-proof the Social Club for future generations by having licenced facilities for those who used the club;

·         Annual events were held to attract new members;


The Chairman thanked Mr Jeffries for his presentation.


Councillor Frost made a statement in support of the application.


Audio Recording – Start time of Item – 43 minutes and 15 seconds


No representative from Breachwood Green Village Hall was present.


Audio Recording – Start time of Item – 43 minutes and 30 seconds


Mr Chris White of FC Comets thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation regarding the grant application:


·         Run solely by volunteers;

·         The club sought funds to purchase two new sets of metal goals;

·         Funds had been raised for paying for weekly operational costs of the teams, such as kits and training and playing equipment;

·         The cost of substantial one-off equipment such as goals was very difficult.

·         The cost of normal season running costs was raised through subscriptions, sponsorship and fundraising events such as Christmas team photos and football prediction competitions.

·         The goals would be benefit a new in-take of around 30 children every year for the next 10 years.


In response questions were received from the following Councillors:


·         Councillor Bishop

·         Councillor Moody

·         Councillor Deakin-Davies


The Chairman thanked Mr White for his presentation.


Audio Recording – Start time of Item – 50 minutes and 37 seconds


Mr John Rowlands, Treasurer and Trustee of Kimpton Folk Festival thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation regarding the grant application:


·         Promoted folk and music events throughout the year;

·         To make folk music more inclusive to isolated and disadvantaged members of the public including tea and cake music concerts for the elderly, running music/singing and movement workshops at special needs schools;

·         Funds required to help run the events on the afternoon of the folk festival including insurance, portaloos, bins, stage, signage, car park and sound engineers;

·         Various workshops, stage performances and activities for adults and children;

·         Events on the green and evening entertainment were self-funding;

·         Fundraising events were held throughout the year;

·         Promoted by social media, leaflets and posters.


In response questions were received from the following Councillors:

·         Councillor Strong

·         Councillor Bishop

·         Councillor Frost

·         Councillor Deakin-Davies

·         Councillor Henry


The Chairman thanked Mr Rowlands for his presentation.


Audio Recording – Start time of Item – 1 hour and 1 minute


Julia Target and Renata Crowe of Knebworth Town Twinning thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation regarding the grant application:


·         The KTA was hosting a 4-day cultural exchange in April 2019, with 37 visitors from Chatelaillon-Plage;

·         The application was for funding to cover transport costs in the form of coaches/ minibuses to travel to heritage sites in the local area;

·         It developed personal, cultural and sporting relationships;

·         The Knebworth Town Twining arranged social and fundraising events amongst members and the local community to support cultural exchanges;

·         French lessons were supported in the local village schools and a prize was awarded to the best student in each school;


In response a question was received from the following Councillor:


·         Councillor Strong


The Chairman thanked Julia Target and Renata Crowe for their presentation.