Agenda item


To receive an oral presentation from the Hitchin Town Centre Manager


Prior to the item being discussed Councillor Judi Billing declared a declarable interest as she was a Director of Hitchin Initiative, She advised that, as this was an information item without any decisions being made, she would remain in the room and take part in any discussions.


Prior to the item being discussed Councillor Nicola Harris declared a declarable interest as she was the NHDC representative on Hitchin Initiative, She advised that, as this was an information item without any decisions being made, she would remain in the room and take part in any discussions.


Mr Keith Hoskins, Hitchin Town Centre Manager, thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation regarding the issues and activities in Hitchin Town Centre.




(1)       That a decision be made as to where a flagpole should be placed in Hitchin and permission be sought to do so, following which this Committee would consider a grant application for the costs of purchasing and raising a flagpole;


(2)       That this Committee consider what capital projects were required in the Town Centre and request that the Planning Department include them as part of any Section 106 agreement associated with planning applications made in the area’


(3)       That the Senior Estates Surveyor be requested to email all Members of this Committee with an update on the current position regarding the proposed bridge at Jill Gray Place and be asked to take whatever actions are required to move this project forward.


REASON FOR DECISION: To improve the services and infrastructure within Hitchin Town Centre.


Prior to the item being discussed Councillor Judi Billing declared a declarable interest as she was a Director of Hitchin Initiative, She advised that, as this was an information item without any decisions being made, she would remain in the room and take part in any discussions.


Prior to the item being discussed Councillor Nicola Harris declared a declarable interest as she was the NHDC representative on Hitchin Initiative, She advised that, as this was an information item without any decisions being made, she would remain in the room and take part in any discussions.


Mr Keith Hoskins, Hitchin Town Centre Manager, thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee and gave a verbal presentation regarding the issues and activities in Hitchin Town Centre and drew attention to the following:


Hitchin Festival

The Hitchin Festival was due to start on 1 July 2017 and programmes were available.


There had been a cancellation, but conversely an addition had been made to the programme, which was very varied with 43 events.

These events included:


·           Scout it Out, with activities including a zip wire in the market place;

·           The Girl Guides  Vintage Tea Afternoon;

·           St Mary’s Craft Fair;

·           Historic Town Walk;

·           Summer Saxes;

·           Independents Day;

·           World Food and Music Day;

·           And many more.


The Dell

There were six covenants covering the Dell and surrounding land.


In 1952 Hitchin Urban Council granted money to make the Dell an open air theatre as part of the Festival of Britain celebrations.


It ceased operation as it was not well used, but came back into operation from the early 1990s until approximately 1999.


The Queen Mother Theatre, Bancroft Players and local business were all keen to reinstate the open air theatre, which would be a nice attraction for the Town.


It was time to sit down together and get this project moving.


Planning Applications

There was a planning application to turn the toilet block in Portmill Lane into a coffee shop.


The new retail unit across the road was going to be a deli and coffee shop and surveys undertaken indicted that there was a need for covered cycle and motorcycle parking, which would be a better use of this building, situated next to a car park.


A Member commented that there had been a previous application for this site to be used as offices.


NHDC was obviously keen to market the toilet block, and Hitchin should be making the Planning Department aware of any project needs so that they could be incorporated into any Section 106 agreement.


Garage Block, Rear of Garrison Court

NHDC was offering the garage block at the rear of Garrison Court for sale.


This should be used for museum storage in order to free up Charnwood House for other uses.


Riverside Walk

Several years ago Hitchin Initiative offered funding to provide a bridge near Jill Grey Place across to the rear of the Sun Hotel in order to progress the completion of the Riverside Walk.


This money was still available and a way forward needed to be found.


Members were concerned at the delay and asked that officers be asked to email all Members of this Committee with an update on the current position and be asked to move this project forward.



There had been some discussion about relocating the flagpole, however officers had now decided that the flagpole was no longer fit for purpose.


It would be good to have a flagpole in Hitchin.


A Member confirmed that there was no impediment to this Committee allocating funding toward the cost of a flagpole and would ask fellow Members to support any application that was made for this. Despite this permission would still need to be sought for actually placing a flagpole.


British Legion

Mary Prowse, the British Legion collector would be retiring this year. She was well know in the town and had a large army of volunteers who, over a six week period last year, collected over £38,000 in Hitchin.


Mr Hoskins appealed for someone to take over this position so that Hitchin could continue to contribute to the Poppy Appeal,



It was acknowledged that there were some people who were excluded from night shelters due to drug and alcohol dependency.


It was however intimidating for people in the Town to be confronted by rough sleepers and being asked for money.


The Authority should consider implementing a Public Spaces Protection Order.


Hitchin BID Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting of Hitchin BID would take place on 27 September 2017 and this meeting would act as the launch for the renewal ballot campaign, with the ballot due in January 2019 and would provide an exhibition on car parking options.


Town Centre

Economically the Town remained vibrant.


There were some empty units in Hermitage Road, however units in Bancroft were being filled.


The Chairman thanked Mr Hoskins for his presentation.




(1)       That a decision be made as to where a flagpole should be placed in Hitchin and permission be sought to do so, following which this Committee would consider a grant application for the costs of purchasing and raising a flagpole;


(2)       That this Committee consider what capital projects were required in the Town Centre and request that the Planning Department include them as part of any Section 106 agreement associated with planning applications made in the area’


(3)       That the Senior Estates Surveyor be requested to email all Members of this Committee with an update on the current position regarding the proposed bridge at Jill Gray Place and be asked to take whatever actions are required to move this project forward.


REASON FOR DECISION: To improve the services and infrastructure within Hitchin Town Centre.