To receive the 1st Quarter Monitoring Report on Key Projects for 2019/20.
(1) That the delivery against the key projects for 19/20 be noted and commented on by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee; and
(2) That whilst it had been reported to the Committee that the Local Plan had been marked as complete, following consideration by the Inspector, there was still further work to be prepared. The Controls, Risk and Performance Manager was requested to continue to report to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on the Local Plan.
To enable the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to consider and comment on Projects in the Corporate Plan.
Audio Recording – Start of Item – 1 Hour 33 Minutes 50 Seconds
The Controls, Risk and Performance Manager introduced the report on the 1st Quarter Monitoring – Delivery of Key Projects for 2019/20 together with the following appendices:
· Appendix A – 2019/2020 Reporting against Projects Identified in the Corporate Plan as at 21/08/19
· Appendix B – Waste Update
The Controls, Risk and Performance Manager, explained to Members, that the covering report provided the background to the projects set. They had initially been brought to the Committee in March of that year, together with the Milestones that were going to be monitored.
The Controls, Risk and Performance Manager informed Members that a Brexit Update had been incorporated into the project and whilst not a traditional project of the Council, it had been decided it would be the best mechanism to monitor the key issues and risk.
The Controls, Risk and Performance Manager referred Members to Appendix A of the report stating, that, with the inclusion of the Brexit update that 9 projects were being reported on, of which one was red status, two were amber, four were in progress and two had been completed since the last update.
In respect of the red status project, the Controls, Risk and Performance Manager reported that following the successful opening of the new museum and publication of the Hitchin Town Hall and North Hertfordshire Museum Panel Review findings, lessons learned would be produced and this would be signed off and by the project board, at which point the project would be marked as complete.
The Controls, Risk and Performance Manager guided Members through and explained the detailed first update on Brexit, which included the work that had been undertaken.
The following Members took part in discussion and asked questions:
Councillor Sam Collins;
Councillor David Levett; and
Councillor Claire Strong
In response to questions, the Controls, Risk and Performance Manager informed Members:
That Churchgate had not been formally set up as a project therefore had no formal milestones, however, it had been included in the report to show that it was on the radar.
The Local Plan indicator was green due to having achieved what was required and was now outside of their control and in the hands of the examiners.
That due to other work priorities, it had not been possible to undertake any activity around The National Clean Air Day, however, would be looking to achieve the following year.
(1) That the delivery against the key projects for 19/20 be noted and commented on by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee; and
(2) That whilst it had been reported to the Committee that the Local Plan had been marked as green, following consideration by the Inspector, there was still further work to be prepared. The Controls, Risk and Performance Manager was requested to continue to report to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on the Local Plan and change the status to amber.
To enable the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to consider and comment on Projects in the Corporate Plan.
Supporting documents: