Agenda item


To receive the Minutes of the meetings of the Staff Consultation Forums held on 3 January 2018, 7 February 2018 and the Draft Minutes of 7 March  2018.


IT WAS AGREED: That the Minutes of the Staff Consultation Forums held on 3 January 2018, 7 February 2018 and Draft Minutes for 7 March 2018 be noted.


REASON FOR DECISION: To enable the Joint Staff Consultative Committee to consider any issues addresses by the Staff Consultation Forum.


The Corporate Human Resources Manager drew attention to the Minutes of the Staff Consultation Forums held on 3 January 2018, 7 February 2018 and the Draft Minutes of 7 March 2018 as follows:


Minutes – 3 January 2018


The Corporate Human Resources Manager stated that the office return to the District Council Offices, and the previously announced Senior Management Restructure had been a recurring key theme at the SCF meetings that had taken place in January, February and March. 


Investors in People (IiP)

The Corporate Human Resources Manager confirmed that there had been a few questions raised on IiP, stating that the report had been shared on the Intranet.  She informed the Committee that NHDC had been accredited by IiP, but she reiterated that it was felt that more work was required due to some disappointment with the quality of the initial report. The Corporate Human Resources Manager informed the Committee that the matter of IiP had been discussed at the Senior Management Team meeting on 27 March 2018. She informed the Committee that it had been  agreed continuing participation in the scheme would be reconsidered at the end of the period of accreditation, and a value for money review undertaken at that time.


A Member commented how pleased he was with what the Corporate Human Resources Manager had reported that a review would be undertaken and very much looked forward to the results.


NHDC Update

The Corporate Human Resources Manager confirmed that there would be the same allocation of statutory days for Christmas Eve and New Year 2018, both fell on a Monday, as in 2012.


Pay Offer

It was reported that the pay offer for staff up to Grade 12 was a recurring discussion topic in the first three months of SCF meetings.  The Corporate Human Resources Manager confirmed that all staff were being kept up to date.


Office Accommodation

The Corporate Human Resources Manager reiterated that communications regarding the office accommodation project had been excellent.  There had been a very good attendance to drop in sessions that had taken place before Christmas in Town Lodge. 


Fire Evacuation Process

A Member raised the matter of Fire Evacuation and queried whether any thought had been given to that particular procedure.  He asked how NHDC ensured, that in the event of a fire, everyone that was in the building would be evacuated.  He further enquired as to whether or not there were any electronic means of knowing who was in the building at any given time.


The Corporate Human Resources Manager conveyed that detailed instructions had been issued to staff.  She pointed out that there were a number of trained fire wardens who would, in the event a fire, carry out a floor sweep, checking toilets in their designated area before leaving the building themselves. She further advised that after NHDC fire warden checks had been carried out, it would, at that point, be the job of the firemen to undertake a more thorough check of the building as swiftly as possible.


The Corporate Human Resources Manager explained to the Committee that Health and Safety was responsible for organising the Fire Evacuation Policy procedures.  She, did, however, reassure the Committee that communication to all staff was paramount and felt, thus far, had been successful.  The Corporate Human Resources Manager took on board the comments from Members that perhaps Councillors had not received as much information.  The Corporate Human Resources Manager confirmed that both Members and staff would be advised again of the policy.


The Corporate Human Resources Manager stated that, at that time, there were no electronic means of knowing who was in the building at any given time.


The Deputy Chief Executive confirmed to the Committee that in the event of a legitimate fire, the floor sweep was manual.  He stated that the Policy had been reviewed, confirming that the approach NHDC had taken was also adopted, used and proved successful in other districts and authorities within the County. 


It was suggested by a Member, that perhaps in future, to ensure efficient communication to all staff and Members, that the Fire Evacuation Process advice was communicated by both email and Member Information Service (MIS).


Minutes – 7 February 2018


Smoking and the Workplace Policy Revision

The Corporate Human Resources Manager referred to item 3 of the Minutes informing the Committee that the smoking and the workplace policy had been reviewed and was now updated.  She commented that there had been quite a lot of staff input on this matter.


NHDC Update

The Corporate Human Resources Manager referred to the report, pointing out the Senior Manager restructure.


The Corporate Human Resources Manager confirmed that pay offers for Chief Officers and Executives mirrored that made to all staff.


The Corporate Human Resources Manager reported that, pleasingly, IT were now attending SCF Meetings on a regular basis.  IT made themselves available to answer the numerous questions that arose, and explaining their key projects.


Draft Minutes – 7 March 2018


NHDC Update

The Corporate Human Resources Manager reported that both the Chief Executive and Deputy Chief Executive had been in attendance, and had provided an extensive round-up of several ongoing projects. 


Pay Offer

The Corporate Human Resources Manager highlighted that trade unions were still in consultation with their members around the pay offer.  She explained, of the three unions, the first had, very quickly, accepted the offer. She stated that Unison would make no announcement until April, meaning there would be no outcome received in time for the start of 2018/19 financial year. A significant majority had rejected the pay offer within the Trade Union.  The Corporate Human Resources Manager informed the Committee that the matter of Pay Offer was a continual complex matter.


In answer to a question by a Member, the Corporate Human Resources Manager stated that all staff, starting from their employment induction, were encouraged to become a member of the trade union.  She further stated that, whilst unable to confirm an exact figure, it was estimated that presently there were well over a quarter of NHDC staff who were members of the trade union.


Office Accommodation

The Corporate Human Resources Manager confirmed that all operational staff including Careline would be re-located into the District Council Offices (DCO) by the end of April.


IT WAS AGREED: That the Minutes of the Staff Consultation Forums held on 3 January 2018, 7 February 2018 and Draft Minutes for 7 March 2018 be noted.


REASON FOR DECISION: To enable the Joint Staff Consultative Committee to consider any issues addresses by the Staff Consultation Forum.

Supporting documents: