Agenda item




To consider the detail on how the Council proposes to implement the policy framework set out in the adopted North Hertfordshire District Council Parking Strategy 2019-2031.




(1)       That the Draft North Hertfordshire District Council Parking Operational Guidelines at Appendix A be noted;


(2)       That the Draft North Hertfordshire District Council Parking Issues Reporting Pack 1 and Part 2 at Appendix B and C be noted.




(1)       That the Draft North Hertfordshire District Council Parking Operational Guidelines at Appendix A  be considered and adopted;


(2)       That the Draft North Hertfordshire District Council Parking Issues Reporting Pack 1 and Part 2 at Appendix B and C be considered and adopted;


(3)       That delegated authority be given to Service Director - Regulatory to approve minor amendments and format changes to the draft Parking Operational Guidelines as required in consultation with the Executive Member and Deputy for Planning and Transport;


(4)       That officers proceed with the work associated with the key projects listed in the Parking Strategy Strategic Action Plan using the Parking Operational Guidelines to implement the policy framework.


REASONS FOR RECOMMENDATIONS:  The draft Parking Operational Guidelines will provide the necessary guidance and assessment criteria for the Parking Strategy policy framework for managing parking across the District in a most cost efficient way that accords with the Council’s Corporate Objectives and its Medium Term Financial Strategy.


NB. The Consultation on the Parking Strategy Draft Parking Operational Guidelines remains open for any further comment until midday 21 January 2020.


Audio Recording – Start of Item – 59 Minutes 56 Seconds


The Strategic Infrastructure & Projects Manager and The Parking Projects Officer presented the report entitled NHDC Parking Strategy Draft Parking Operational Guidelines and highlighted the following:


·                The North Hertfordshire District Council Parking Strategy 2019-2031 was adopted by Cabinet in January 2019.

·                Stake Holder workshops had been held leading up to the adoption of the Strategy and there had been a lot of engagement with Key Stake Holders and Members to formulate the policy of the strategy.

·                The purpose of the Strategy Document was to detail how the Council proposed to implement the Policy framework.

·                An Action Plan was contained within the Strategy.

·                New opportunities to manage the parking stock across the District and generate additional income had been included in the draft Parking Operational Guidelines, which included:


·                Other Services in Council Car Parks;

·                Charging for On-Street Parking;

·                Employee Parking Schemes and;

·                Sale of Permits to Non-Residents in Controlled Parking Zones.


·                The North Hertfordshire District Council Parking Operational Guidelines document should be read alongside the Parking Strategy.

·                Consultation was taking place with key stake holders.

·                It was important that the Parking Operational Guidelines remained a living document in order to ensure it provided a flexible approach to emerging issues.

·                The Parking Issues Reporting Pack allowed members of the public to report parking issues.

·                The Reporting Pack sought to educate members of the public on parking related issues and different types of parking controls in order to ensure relevance and met the corporate objectives of the Council.

·                Applicants must keep a log of parking issues over a four week period in order to allow for the severity to be assessed.

·                80% of residents must agree with the parking issue.

·                A similar report pack was in use at Hertfordshire County Council.


The following Members made comment and asked questions:


·                Councillor Kate Aspinwall; and

·                Councillor Gary Grindal




(1)       That the Draft North Hertfordshire District Council Parking Operational Guidelines at Appendix A be noted; and


(2)       That the Draft North Hertfordshire District Council Parking Issues Reporting Pack 1 and Part 2 at Appendix B and C be noted.




(1)       That the Draft North Hertfordshire District Council Parking Operational Guidelines at Appendix A  be considered and adopted;


(2)       That the Draft North Hertfordshire District Council Parking Issues Reporting Pack 1 and Part 2 at Appendix B and C be considered and adopted;


(3)       That delegated authority be given to the Service Director - Regulatory to approve minor amendments and format changes to the draft Parking Operational Guidelines as required in consultation with the Executive Member and Deputy for Planning and Transport;


(4)       That officers proceed with the work associated with the key projects listed in the Parking Strategy Strategic Action Plan using the Parking Operational Guidelines to implement the policy framework.


REASONS FOR RECOMMENDATIONS:  The draft Parking Operational Guidelines will provide the necessary guidance and assessment criteria for the Parking Strategy policy framework for managing parking across the District in a most cost efficient way that accords with the Council’s Corporate Objectives and its Medium Term Financial Strategy.


NB. The Consultation on the Parking Strategy Draft Parking Operational Guidelines remains open for any further comment until midday 21 January 2020.

Supporting documents: