Agenda item




To receive the 2nd quarter update on PI’s.




(1)       That the 2nd Quarter Update on Performance against Performance Indicators be noted.


(2)       That the Housing Performance Indicators Reg 1, Reg 2 and LI035a remain as “data only” for 2020/21 (benchmarking statistics for Hertfordshire authorities will be provided alongside the quarterly returns so performance can still be monitored and scrutinised).




(1)       To update the Committee on the performance indicators as well as other indicators that officers have updated and activated on Pentana Risk.


(2)       To ensure there are appropriate monitoring arrangements in place for the Housing Performance Indicators for 2020/21.


Audio Recording – Session 2 – 37 Seconds


The Controls, Risk and Performance Manager presented the report entitled 2nd Quarter Update on Performance against Performance Indicators.


The Controls, Risk and Performance Manager drew attention to the following:


·                There were 19 corporate performance indicators being monitored;

·                4 performance indicators were coded amber;

·                The number of visits to leisure facilities was 783,268;

·                In 2019/20, Letchworth Outdoor Pool reported 33,263 visits compared to 48,165 in 2018/19. The decrease in usage was the result of poor weather experienced over the outdoor pool season compared to last year;

·                The overall tonnage of food waste collected was 2,397 which was coded as amber; and

·                The overall tonnage of garden waste collected was 6,059 which was coded as amber.


The following Members asked questions:


·                Councillor David Levett;

·                Councillor Claire Strong; and

·                Councillor Jim McNally.


In response to questions raised by Members, the Controls, Risk and Performance Manager responded as follows:


·                The figures of the reported visits to Letchworth Outdoor Pool were up to the end of September 2019. Thus, they did not include figures from the visits to the ice rink at Letchworth Outdoor Pool at Christmas.


The Committee received a presentation from the Strategic Housing Manager on Housing Performance Indicators for 2020/21. His presentation included the following key points:


·                There had been 1450 approaches for housing assistance;

·                There were three housing performance indicators:

·                Reg 1 – rate of homelessness prevention;

·                Reg 2 – rate of homelessness relief; and

·                LI035a – total number of households in temporary accommodation.

·                The current challenges were as follows:

·                Housing those with complex needs;

·                Welfare reform

·                The private rented sector being difficult to access; and

·                Some landlords did not want to accept tenants in receipt of benefits.

·                North Hertfordshire District Council had a 49% success rate for Reg 1, 23% success rate for Reg 2 and 85 households in temporary accommodation; and

·                Owing to the challenges and despite the efforts of front-line staff, the outcomes are often out of the Council’s control.  Targets could remain unmet creating a poor perception of the service and potentially de-motivating staff. 


It was therefore proposed that Reg1, Reg2 and LI035a do not have targets set for 2020/21 and they remain as “data only”.  Benchmarking statistics from Hertfordshire authorities will be provided alongside the quarterly returns so performance can still be monitored and scrutinised.


The following Members asked questions:


·                Councillor David Levett;

·                Councillor Gerald Morris; and

·                Councillor Claire Strong.


In response to questions raised by Members, the Strategic Housing Manger provided the following responses:


·                All data was sent to Central Government;

·                Local Authorities now had more responsibility to try and assist those in housing crisis, however there were still limited housing options;

·                Some households lose touch and therefore the outcome was not always positive; and

·                The data did not include those rough sleeping.




(1)       That the 2nd Quarter Update on Performance against Performance Indicators be noted.


(2)       That the Housing Performance Indicators Reg 1, Reg 2 and LI035a remain as “data only” for 2020/21 (benchmarking statistics for Hertfordshire authorities will be provided alongside the quarterly returns so performance can still be monitored and scrutinised).




(1)       To update the Committee on the performance indicators as well as other indicators that officers have updated and activated on Pentana Risk.


(2)       To ensure there are appropriate monitoring arrangements in place for the Housing Performance Indicators for 2020/21.

Supporting documents: