Mr Glyn Holt thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Panel regarding Teracycling.
The Chairman thanked Mr Holt for his presentation.
Audio recording – 57 minutes 18 seconds
Mr Glyn Holt thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Panel regarding Teracycling as follows:
· Teracycle was a company with a mission statement to recycle the unrecyclable;
· The scheme was delivered by free schemes that generate a small financial reward for local charities. In Letchworth it was mainly Wilbury School that benefitted;
· They currently collected 18 waste streams that would otherwise end up in landfill including crisp packets, oral care and pens;
· The list of items was available on the Transition Towns website;
· This was started in Letchworth in July 2019 and had so far raised £233 by saving 116.5kg of waste from landfill;
· Waste was collected in a bin in Bamboo Turtle, Letchworth a small group of volunteers sorted the waste;
· There was a minimum weight for each waste stream which was increasing as more people used teracycle;
· 5 school schemes were in place with pupils sorting through the waste and flattening packaging;
· It had encouraged children and adults to consider everything as a resource rather than waste;
· Parents who had previously not recycled were now doing so on a regular basis and were making enquiries about how to recycle things that they were unsure of such a Christmas cards;
· NHDC could help this initiative in the following ways:
· Offer grant funding for scales to weigh the rubbish collected;
· Promotion of schemes to increase the amount of waste collected;
· Collection bins for schemes in relevant Council locations such as leisure centres and the staff canteen;
· Encourage other schools to take place;
· Locations for the public to sort their own waste into relevant bins;
· Provide space for the sorting of waste;
· Support with developing schemes such as packaging;
· Hosting of repair workshops, for which a donation could be made to fund future endeavours;
· Since Christmas 14 bags of teracycle waste had been generated;
· Each Member could start saving their waste and spreading thw rod about Teracycke,
The following Members asked questions:
· Councillor Steve Jarvis;
· Councillor Gerald Morris;
· Councillor Elizabeth Dennis-Harburg;
· Councillor Sam Collins;
· Councillor Claire Strong;
· Councillor Kay Tart.
In response Mr Holt advised:
· That Teracycle were struggling to meet the demand of private collectors and were moving to centralised public collection places;
· This did not stop people collecting, it just meant that the waste collected would need to be transported to a central place for collection by Teracycle;
· The free schemes were self-financing;
· Use of a shop unit would not only give more space, but would promote recycling and encourage people to get involved.
Members made the following comments:
· NHDC should consider introduction of centralised collection points for Teracycle;
· Area Committees could give grants to support the work being undertaken;
· Discussions could be held with the local BID regarding use of an empty shop, Councillors Hoskins and Levett could help with this;
· Discussions could be held with the Letchworth Garden City Heritage foundation;
· NHDC should publish a list of external organisations that collect recyclable materials;
· NHDC should publish a list of organisations where people could volunteer to help.
The Chairman thanked Mr Holt for his presentation.