Agenda item


To receive a presentation from the Deputy Chief Executive regarding the Council’s Plan for Recovery following the Covid-19 pandemic.


The Deputy Chief Executive gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding the Council’s Plan for Recovery Following the Covid-19 Pandemic including:


·                Things to consider when looking at recovery;

·                The Countywide Emergency Response;

·                NHDC’s Emergency Response;

·                NHDC’s Recovery Response (so far);

·                Next Step - Recovery Plan Governance;

·                Ideas for Building Back Better.


The Deputy Chief Executive and Service Director – Regulatory answered questions from Members.


The Chair thanked the Deputy Chief Executive and Service Director – Regulatory for the presentation.


NB at 9.33pm the Chair announced that there would be a short comfort break. The meeting resumed at 9.41pm.


Audio recording – 1 hour 8 minutes 32 seconds


The Deputy Chief Executive gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding the Council’s Plan for Recovery Following the Covid-19 Pandemic and drew attention to the following:


·                The scale and nature of the had been unprecedented;

·                That business as usual for our communities and the Council would not look the same in future;

·                Business as usual was unlikely to be a smooth curve given the likelihood of second and perhaps third and fourth Covid-19 outbreaks requiring further periods of lockdown;

·                Other external factors will affect the return to normal for example the EU Transition.


Countywide Emergency Response


·                Was being led by Hertfordshire Local Resilience Forum (LRF), a partnership of over 60 organisations including the emergency services, local councils, health services and volunteers;

·                The LRF linked to Central Government;

·                There was a Countywide strategic recovery plan and the Chief Executive/Managing Director was the NHDC representative;

·                They were petitioning Government for additional funding.


NHDC Emergency Response


·                Full home working had been deployed within days, from 80 staff working from home pre Covid-19 to to nearly 250 (275 max) post Covid-19;

·                There had been development of paperless operations such as planning;

·                Video conferencing and live streaming of council meetings had been introduced;

·                There had been a 10% increase in benefits caseload;

·                Business grants had been paid out as follows:

·                2,004 business grants totalling £25.22m;

·                213 discretionary business grants totalling £1.335m;

·                All rough sleepers had been rehoused within the 24 hours notice given;

·                1,500 welfare calls had been made, 1,000 food parcels provided to local organisations and 7,000 letters sent by NHDC staff volunteers.


NHDC Recovery Response (so far)


·                The focus was on resuming service delivery, in partnership with contractors where required;

·                NHDC was working with partners to develop recovery plans such as SLL and leisure;

·                Plans were being developed for re-opening DCO when appropriate;

·                The North Herts Museum reopened on 4 July 2020;

·                NHDC had worked closely with Hitchin Market to enable them to reopen on 2 June 2020;

·                NHDC had worked with other authorities across the county, to develop approaches and with HCC to reopen high streets;

·                A Local Outbreak Plan was in place.


Next Step - Recovery Plan Governance


·                It had been agreed that a Recovery Plan Project Board would be instigated to;

·                Oversee and monitor delivery of the Recovery Plan;

·                Act on behalf of the Council to provide the necessary strategic guidance and direction;

·                Ensure effective project management arrangements are in place;

·                Ensure there was an effective risk management system in place and consider on-going risks;

·                Ensure sufficient and effective use of resources;

·                Ensure collaboration and integration, where appropriate, with other public and private sector recovery plans;

·                Advise on Member engagement as appropriate;

·                Have input to reports and present to appropriate committees.


Ideas for Building Back Better


·                This time of disruption was being used to test and trial new and innovative ways of doing things;

·                Recognise the community groups and look to their future;

·                Get applications ready for central government funding opportunities;

·                Recognise areas of opportunity and commercial growth;

·                Recognise our role, less bureaucracy, off-setting of fees and charges;

·                Get people back into the towns and establish confidence;

·                Re-imagine the high street and set up ‘meanwhile uses’;

·                Re-think economic growth, recognise that Business as Usual will be different for everyone.


The following Members asked questions and took part in the debate:


·                Councillor David Levett;

·                Councillor Sam Collins;

·                Councillor Terry Hone;

·                Councillor Claire Strong.


In response to questions the Deputy Chief Executive advised that:


·                A survey would be sent to all staff regarding their experiences working at home during the pandemic;

·                If the number of people working from home could be increased it could potentially free up a floor of the building to let out or use for community or other use;

·                The approach to homeworking has been to work with the staff rather than impose it on people;

·                The amount of household waste was being monitored in light of more people working from home;

·                The Licensing and Environmental Health Teams had been visiting premises who were selling take away alcohol. There was little that the Council could do about people who were drinking outside of licensed premises.


The Service Director – Regulatory advised that:


·                At the end of January there were 93 people in temporary accommodation;

·                Over lockdown there were approximately 15 more homeless clients than usual;

·                The Government announced that night shelters should close and this involved helping a further 16 people;

·                Whilst waiting for the Housing and Planning Bill to be passed by Government, it was for the District Council to make decisions regarding the use of tables and chairs and this would be in liaison with Hertfordshire County Council colleagues where it involved the highway and taking into account social distancing guidelines;

·                The Council was looking at pedestrianisation opportunities;

·                In respect of use of parking bays the Council was balancing priorities including disability bays, loading bays, social distancing and the needs of the businesses.


The Chair thanked the Deputy Chief Executive and Service Director – Regulatory for the presentation.


NB at 9.33pm the Chair announced that there would be a short comfort break. The meeting resumed at 9.41pm.

Supporting documents: