Agenda item




Timber clad barn.


RESOLVED: That application 17/01214/1 be GRANTED planning permission, subject to the conditions and reasons as set out in the report of the Development and Conservation Manager.


Timber clad barn.


The Development and Conservation Manager presented a report, supported by a visual presentation consisting of plans, drawings and photographs of the site.


          The Development and Conservation Manager commented that the applicant had set out in his letter appended to the report as to why the proposed building was required, namely due to the fact that he had been the victim of crime and hence needed to store vehicles and equipment in a secure manner.  Whilst the site was in the Green Belt, the Development and Conservation Manager did not consider that it would be inappropriate development as it would be associated with the normal rural use of the land and was important for security purposes.


The Committee was addressed by Mr Richard Langeveld (Applicant) in support of application 17/01214/1.


Mr Langeveld advised that he had bought Calders Cottage in 1999, and what had attracted him was its semi-isolated rural location.  When he and his family were at home it was a lovely, but when they were at work or on holiday then anyone else who should not be there was also on their own to do whatever they wanted without being disturbed.


Mr Langeveld stated that he had been the victim of criminal activity over the past 7 years on 10 separate occasions, all reported to the Police.  These included a stolen trailer; stolen motorbike; garage broken into and £10,000 worth of equipment stolen; stolen car trailer; house broken into and arson attack on house whilst it was being extended; copper theft whilst house was being extended; attempted theft of trailer; copper theft from garden; vandalism; and trespassing.  In addition, he had lost count of numerous fly tipping incidents, sometimes of hazardous materials, on the lane blocking the track for both he and his family and emergency vehicles.


Mr Langeveld commented that he had assisted the Police wherever possible, and they actually installed CCTV at his property a few years ago.  Hertfordshire County Council had recently installed a number of gates on the Putteridgebury Estate in an attempt to reduce crime levels and fly tipping, and to make criminal “get-aways” harder.


Mr Langeveld explained that the purpose of the proposed barn was for safe secure storage of belongings and equipment.  Necessary security demanded that it was positioned as per his application and he wanted it in the proposed location for the following reasons:


·                It was relatively close to his house;

·                He could keep an eye on it because of its close proximity;

·                If it was a distance away he would not keep a regular/daily check on it;

·                If it was a distance away he would not hear anything untoward;

·                It was easily accessed from his track and drive; and

·                The existing security alarm could be easily extended to cover the proposed barn.


Mr Langeveld took the opportunity to reassure members that he had absolutely no intention to convert the barn into a residential dwelling either now or in the future.  It was to be a secure storage facility that was attractive and in keeping with the rural surroundings and other storage barns in Hertfordshire.  He confirmed that he had given all aspects of the proposal a great deal of consideration regarding materials and positioning, including consultation with his neighbours, and had concluded that the current proposed location was the most sensible.


The Chairman thanked Mr Langeveld for his presentation.


The Committee was supportive of the Development and Conservation Manager’s recommendation for approval, and following brief debate, it was


RESOLVED: That application 17/01214/1 be GRANTED planning permission, subject to the conditions and reasons as set out in the report of the Development and Conservation Manager.

Supporting documents: