Agenda item




To update the Joint Staff Consultative Committee on the progress made in the last quarter completing HR work and projects and our work supporting the people issues and matters during the Coronavirus pandemic, lockdown and ongoing restrictions.


IT WAS AGREED: That the Information Note entitled HR Update be noted.


REASON FOR DECISION:To enable the Committee to consider the Information Note entitled HR Update.


Audio Recording – 3 Minutes 9 Seconds


NB: Councillor Claire Strong joined the Committee at the start of this item.


The Service Director – Resources presented the Information Note entitled HR Update, including:


·                The Coronavirus had impacted on the plans to create a new People Strategy for 2020 – 2026;

·                The Council had developed a strategy known as ‘Shaping our Future’ which would help to evolve the organisation and create a diverse, inclusive and resilient workforce. The first meeting of the steering group was due to take place in September;

·                The Human Resources Department had carried out Welfare Calls for all staff during April in order to check on their wellbeing during the ‘lockdown’ period;

·                The National Pay Bargaining had been completed. Employers had made a final offer of a 2.75% pay increase; and

·                The Exit Payment Cap may come into force at the end of October 2020.


The following Members asked questions:


·                Councillor Terry Hone;

·                Councillor Kate Aspinwall;

·                Councillor Claire Strong; and

·                Councillor Keith Hoskins.


The Members’ questions opened up a discussion on Mental Health particularly in light of the pandemic and the effects it could have on Staffs’ wellbeing.


In response to Members’ questions on what the Council was doing to support Staff during the pandemic, the Corporate Human Resources advised as follows:


·                The pandemic had an enormous impact on Staffs’ Mental Health;

·                Welfare Calls were carried out by HR in order to ascertain if any colleagues were struggling or in need of further support;

·                Staff had access to the Confidential Employee Assistant Programme;

·                There was information on intranet to help staff during the lockdown including a lockdown toolkit; and

·                There were trained Mental Health First Aiders.


The discussion on Mental Health continued and Members raised that the Welfare Calls were carried out in April and a lot had happened since then.


In response to that point, the Corporate Human Resources Manager advised that there was a People Covid Recovery Plan which would look at Staffs’ Mental Health and more Welfare Calls were due to take place.


The Service Director – Resources added that they were looking at rolling out support to Line Managers in order to help them carry out welfare calls to their staff and the Staff Survey was conducted in August which helped pick up any issues staff had.


In response to the Service Director’s point, The HR Operations Manager advised that there was a managers section on the Employee Assistance Programme to help them support Staff experiencing mental health issues. She also advised that further welfare calls were made to staff if required.


A Member raised the subject of Domestic Violence and whether staff were able to come into the Office for ‘rest-bite’.


In answer to the Member’s point regarding Domestic Violence, the HR Operations Manager advised that she was not aware of any cases but acknowledged it was a very difficult subject for staff to raise. She further added that she was in contact with the Community Protection Manager regarding the White Ribbon Campaign and putting a White Ribbon on the intranet.


In answer to the Member’s point regarding staff being able to come into the Office, the Service Director – Resources confirmed that staff were allowed to come into work if it helped their Mental Health.


The Corporate Human Resources Manager advised that she would have a conversation with the Learning and Employee Engagement Manager regarding implementing some Mental Health webinars for managers.


A Member raised the point that some staff may not talk about their mental health to Managers or Human Resources but would more likely open up to their colleagues during lunch or whilst making a drink. However, owing to remote working, ‘Kitchen catch ups’ and informal colleague conversations were now harder.


The Service Director – Resources and the Corporate Human Resources Manger responded that team meetings should still be taking place and staff should be encouraged to still talk to each other as the social side of work was important, even if this now needed to be done differently.  


The Staff Consultation Forum Representative informed that the Staff Social Committee were thinking of ways to bring staff together. She also added that the organisation was doing well in raising awareness of Mental Health.


Following the discussion on Mental Health, Members moved their attention to Recruitment, including:


·                Unconscious Bias in job advertisements; and

·                The software used to remove words that could unconsciously discourage  someone from applying for a role.


The following Members asked questions:


·                Councillor Kate Aspinwall


In answer to questions, the HR Operations Manager advised that it was difficult at that stage to determine if the software was working as the equalities data was reviewed annually. Furthermore, owing to Covid, there had been a decline in applications.


IT WAS AGREED: That the Information Note entitled HR Update be noted.


REASON FOR DECISION:To enable the Committee to consider the Information Note entitled HR Update.

Supporting documents: