Agenda item


To consider any questions submitted by Members of the Council, in accordance with Standing Order 4.8.11 (b).


Members submitted questions on the following:


(A)       District Wide Survey

(B)       Staffing at North Hertfordshire Museum and Community Facility


[Note:  Prior to consideration of this matter, Councillor David Levett declared that his wife was the Secretary of the local branch of UNISON.  However, as there was no debate or vote on the matter, he chose to remain in the meeting for the duration of the item.]


(A)       District Wide Survey


In accordance with Standing Order 4.8.11(b), the following question had been submitted by Councillor Paul Clark to Councillor Mrs L.A. Needham (Leader of the Council):


“What is the sample size for the District Wide survey that is currently being conducted?”


Councillor Needham replied that the sample size was 1,000 respondents.  Quotas were set on age and area, in order to achieve a cross-section of responses.  The data was also weighted by area, age, gender, working status and ethnicity to ensure that the data set was as comprehensive and representative as possible.


As a supplementary question, Councillor Clark asked why was a survey of 1,000 residents adequate, when the views of a much larger number were not paid attention to, as was the case in the recent Waste Services consultation?


Councillor Needham replied that the District Wide Survey should not be confused with a consultation exercise.  The District Wide Survey was similar to surveys carried out by other local authorities in the County, usually at 2 or 3 yearly intervals.  With regard to the waste Services consultation, the Council’s Constitution required that major service changes such as those proposed would be subject to public consultation.  She commented that the Council had taken action on a number of matters revealed in the consultation responses, but reminded Members that it had been consultation and not a referendum.


(B)       Staffing at North Hertfordshire Museum and Community Facility


[Note:  Prior to consideration of this matter, Councillor David Levett declared that his wife was the Secretary of the local branch of UNISON.  However, as there was no debate or vote on the matter, he chose to remain in the meeting for the duration of the item.]


In accordance with Standing Order 4.8.11(b), the following question had been submitted by Councillor Martin Stears-Handscomb to Councillor Mrs L.A. Needham (Leader of the Council):


“All Members will have received a letter from the Council’s UNISON Branch expressing the concerns of staff regarding the staffing of the Museum and Town Hall.  Will the Leader of the Council ask Councillor Hill to convene an urgent meeting of the Joint Staff Consultative Committee to address the matter and make recommendations?”


Councillor Needham replied that she would not be asking Councillor Hill to convene an urgent meeting of the Joint Staff Consultative Committee, as staffing matters were the responsibility of the Senior Management Team and ultimately the Head of Paid Service.  She added that it was highly unusual for UNISON to circulate a response to a consultation regarding a proposed restructure.  However, the remit of the Joint Staff Consultative Committee did not extend to the points raised by Councillor Stears-Handscomb in the question.


As a supplementary question, Councillor Stears-Handscomb asked if the Leader of the Council took seriously the views raised by staff in the letter?


Councillor Needham replied that the NHDC UNISON branch was a sensible and reliable body.  As such, officers were looking at all of the comments raised in the letter and in the consultation, and would be responding to all staff affected by the proposed restructure.  Where valid points were raised, officers would carefully consider whether appropriate amendments could be made.

Supporting documents: