Agenda item


To consider any motions, due notice of which have been given in accordance with Standing Order 4.8.12.


(A)       Public Sector Pay


(1)        The mover and seconder of the motion (Councillors Frank Radcliffe and Ian Albert) both declared Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in the matter, as they were both employed by the Civil Service.  They stated that they would introduce the motion, prior to withdrawing from the meeting for debate and vote, in accordance with a Dispensation granted by the Monitoring Officer in advance of the commencement of the meeting;

(2)        Councillor David Levett declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, as his wife worked for NHDC and was the Secretary of the local branch of UNISON.  He withdrew from the meeting for the whole of the item;

(3)        Councillor Michael Weeks made a Declarable Interest, as his son worked for NHDC. He withdrew from the meeting after the motion had been introduced by the mover and seconder; and

(4)        Councillor Paul Clark declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, as he was employed by the Highways Agency.  He withdrew from the meeting after the motion had been introduced by the mover and seconder.]

RESOLVED:  That North Herts District Council recognises and values the work of its employees and those across the breadth of the public sector.

It acknowledges that the Government’s imposition over many years of a public sector pay cap of 1% has resulted in wages in the public sector falling considerably behind the yearly UK rate of inflation.  This has meant a real terms pay cut for our employees.  It has also led to difficulties in recruitment and made public sector employees feel undervalued.

The Council will work with our MPs, regional and national representative bodies to urge the Government to scrap the public sector pay cap and fully fund an award in line with the cost of living.

(B)       Homelessness

Following debate, and being put to the vote, the motion was lost.


(A)       Public Sector Pay


(1)        The mover and seconder of the motion (Councillors Frank Radcliffe and Ian Albert) both declared Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in the matter, as they were both employed by the Civil Service.  They stated that they would introduce the motion, prior to withdrawing from the meeting for debate and vote, in accordance with a Dispensation granted by the Monitoring Officer in advance of the commencement of the meeting;

(2)        Councillor David Levett declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, as his wife worked for NHDC and was the Secretary of the local branch of UNISON.  He withdrew from the meeting for the whole of the item;

(3)        Councillor Michael Weeks made a Declarable Interest, as his son worked for NHDC. He withdrew from the meeting after the motion had been introduced by the mover and seconder; and

(4)        Councillor Paul Clark declared a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest, as he was employed by the Highways Agency.  He withdrew from the meeting after the motion had been introduced by the mover and seconder.]

Due notice having been given in accordance with Standing Order 4.8.12, it was moved by Councillor Frank Radcliffe, and seconded by Councillor Ian Albert,

“That North Herts District Council recognises and values the work of its employees and those across the breadth of the public sector.

It acknowledges that the Government’s imposition over many years of a public sector pay cap of 1% has resulted in wages in the public sector falling considerably behind the yearly UK rate of inflation.  This has meant a real terms pay cut for our employees, causing some families to live in increasing poverty.  It has also led to difficulties in recruitment and made public sector employees feel undervalued.

This Council urges Government to scrap the public sector pay cap.  We also urge the Government to adequately fund councils to pay their staff a decent pay rise in line with the cost of living.”

[At this point in the proceedings, Councillors Radcliffe, Albert, Weeks and Clark withdrew from the meeting for the remainder of the item.]

Following debate, and as an amendment, it was moved by Councillor Mrs L.A. Needham and seconded by Councillor Julian Cunningham that the words “causing some families to live in increasing poverty” be deleted from the second paragraph, and that the third paragraph be re-worded to read “The Council will work with our MPs, regional and national representative bodies to urge the Government to scrap the public sector pay cap and fully fund an award in line with the cost of living”.

Following debate, and being put to the vote, the amendment was carried.

Upon the substantive motion being put to the vote, it was

RESOLVED:  That North Herts District Council recognises and values the work of its employees and those across the breadth of the public sector.

It acknowledges that the Government’s imposition over many years of a public sector pay cap of 1% has resulted in wages in the public sector falling considerably behind the yearly UK rate of inflation.  This has meant a real terms pay cut for our employees.  It has also led to difficulties in recruitment and made public sector employees feel undervalued.

The Council will work with our MPs, regional and national representative bodies to urge the Government to scrap the public sector pay cap and fully fund an award in line with the cost of living.

(B)       Homelessness

Due notice having been given in accordance with Standing Order 4.8.12, it was moved by Councillor Clare Billing, and seconded by Councillor Martin Stears-Handscomb,

That this Council:

1.      Is deeply concerned about the increase in the number of rough sleepers reported in North Hertfordshire, council statistics show a 300% increase since 2011.


2.      Recognises that the true numbers of ‘hidden’ homeless, including those sofa surfing or sleeping in cars and vans in the district are likely to be higher than the 13 people reported to Council in August 2017.


3.      Recognises that without support for those people with mental health problems and addictions to drugs or alcohol these numbers will increase.


4.      Regrets the recent death reported in Letchworth and attack in Hitchin of people who were sleeping rough.


This Council calls for:


1.    A comprehensive assessment of the true number of rough sleepers in North Herts and their needs; and


2.    Continuation of the work carried out in conjunction with key stakeholders to prevent homelessness and support people in our district who are sleeping rough.”


Following debate, and being put to the vote, the motion was lost.

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