Issue - decisions

20/00073/FP North Hertfordshire College, Cambridge Road, Hitchin, Hertfordshire, SG4 0JD

26/11/2020 - 20/00073/FP North Hertfordshire College, Cambridge Road, Hitchin, Hertfordshire, SG4 0JD

RESOLVED:  That application 20/00073/FP be GRANTED planning application subject to the conditions in the report of the Development and Conservation Manager and the following amended and additional reasons:


Condition 10 to be amended to read:

“Development B - Prior to the occupation of any dwelling, details of electrical wiring to accommodate facilities for charging plug-in and other ultra low emission vehicles for each dwelling, and each flat block (1 charging point per minimum 5 parking spaces shall be provided, including two charging points for Block D), shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details prior to the occupation of each specific unit.


Reason - To contribute to the objective of providing a sustainable transport network and to provide the necessary infrastructure to help off-set the adverse of the operational phase of the development on local air quality.”


Condition 17 to be amended to read:

“Development B - The measures set out in the submitted Ecological Assessment, and Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment (including any amendments and/or additions to these documents) shall be implemented prior to occupation of Development B, and thereafter shall remain in perpetuity.


Reason: In the interests of the protection of ecology and providing a net ecological gain within the site.”


Condition 23 to be amended to read:

“The relevant parts of the development (A and B) shall not be occupied/used until the site investigation and post investigation assessment has been completed in accordance with the programme set out in the Written Scheme of Investigation approved under condition 19 for Development A, and condition 20 for Development B, and the provision made for analysis and publication where appropriate.


Reason: In the interests of archaeology.”


Condition 30 to be amended to read:

“Development A - Existing Access –Improved: Cambridge Road- Prior to the first use of the Sports Hall, the existing vehicular access onto Cambridge Road shall be upgraded to the satisfaction of the LPA, to provide a raised pedestrian crossing together with a right turn lane and new section of footways to each side of the access with tactile paving and dropped kerbs, as shown on the plan ref Ghosted right turn priority junction 191900-008 Rev C. Arrangements shall be made for surface water drainage to be intercepted and disposed of separately so that it does not discharge from or onto the highway carriageway.


Reason: To ensure construction of a satisfactory access and in the interests of highway safety, traffic movement and amenity in accordance with Policy 5 of Hertfordshire’s Local Transport Plan (adopted 2018).”


Condition 31 to be amended to read:

“Development B  - Existing Access – Improved: St Michael’s Road- Prior to the first occupation of the residential development hereby permitted, a revised plan should be submitted that shows the existing vehicular access onto St Michael’s Road narrowed down (subject to tracking) and upgraded to provide a raised pedestrian crossing with tactile paving. Arrangements shall be made for surface water drainage to be intercepted and disposed of separately so that it does not discharge from or onto the highway carriageway. The access shall then be upgraded in accordance with the approved plans before first occupation of the residential development.


Reason: To ensure construction of a satisfactory access and in the interests of highway safety, traffic movement and amenity in accordance with Policy 5 of Hertfordshire’s Local Transport Plan (adopted 2018).”


Condition 32 to be amended to read:

“Development B  - Chaucer Way shared path works- Before first occupation of the residential development, additional plans must be submitted which show improvement works to the shared path link between the site and Chaucer Way, this information will also include a timetable for the completion of the works. The works shall include widening of the path to 3m, resurfacing, lighting and provision of a dropped kerb crossing to each side of Chaucer Way. This work shall be constructed to the Local Planning Authority's satisfaction and completed in accordance with the agreed timetable.


Reason: In support of sustainable travel and to ensure compliance with paragraphs 108 and 110 of the NPPF.”


Condition 37 to be amended to read:

“Development A  - The existing dropped kerb pedestrian crossing in Cambridge Road as shown on the approved plan 191900-011 C Pedestrian and cyclist improvements shall be permanently closed and the footway reinstated to the satisfaction of the Highway Authority before first use of the sports complex.


Reason: In the interest of highway safety and to avoid inconvenience to highway users.”


Condition 43 to be amended to read:

“Development B - Bus stop improvements: Prior to the 50th occupation of the residential development hereby approved, the two closest bus stops to the site shall have Real Time Information display screens installed and fully functional to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority (i.e. North Hertfordshire College southbound stop Cambridge Road - ref 29050043 and Cambridge Road - 2905 0004 North Herts College eastbound).


Reason: So that all users of the development have the option of using bus transport, and to maximise its appeal, in compliance with paragraphs 108 and 110 of the NPPF.”


Condition 45 to be amended to read:

“Development B - Dropped Kerbs/tactiles- Prior to the 50th occupation of the residential development hereby approved, pedestrian dropped kerbs and tactile paving shall be provided at the following junctions:


    i.       Byron Close with St Michael’s Road

   ii.       Browning Drive with St Michael’s Road

  iii.       Coleridge Close with St Michael’s Road

  iv.       Outside no 2 Chaucer Way to connect with the shared path along no 2 Chaucer Way northern building elevation;


These works shall be completed to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority and Highway Authority before occupation of the development.


Reason: To ensure the development complies with paragraph 109 of the NPPF, enabling access to the site for all people by modes other than the private motorcar.”


Condition 46 to be amended to read:

“Development B  - Prior to the 50th occupation of the residential development hereby approved, a pedestrian dropped kerb and tactile paving informal crossing point shall be provided to the satisfaction of the LPA between the two bus stops on St Michaels Road (Stop ID: Hrtgdptd and Stop ID: hrtgdpwd Coleridge Close eastbound and westbound), with a continuous footway provision installed from the crossing point on the western carriageway side to the existing hard surfaced waiting area of the northbound bus stop.


Reason: To ensure the development complies with paragraph 109 of the NPPF, enabling access to the site for all people by modes other than the private motorcar.”