(1) That the Controls, Risk and Performance Manager be requested to liaise with the Committee, Member and Scrutiny Manager in order to include the number of views of Council meetings on YouTube in the next performance target report.
(2) That the Leader of the Council be requested to refer the possibility of re-opening the outdoor pools earlier in 2021 to Leisure Services, in order to maximise the potential number of visitors to leisure facilities and provide this service to the community which had been unavailable in 2020.
(1) That Cabinet considers and formally approves the proposed amendments to the PIs and any associated targets that will continue to be monitored throughout 2020/2021 by Overview & Scrutiny;
(2) That Cabinet consider instigating a “reporting only” figure of those viewing Council meetings on YouTube in order to gauge public engagement with virtual meetings.
REASON FOR DECISION: To ensure that Performance Monitoring is effective and reflects the current national situation.