(1) That the responses received to the Council’s proposed modifications to the Examiner’s recommendations on the Baldock, Bygrave and Clothall Neighbourhood Plan be noted.
(2) That following the inclusion of the proposed modifications to the Baldock, Bygrave and Clothall Neighbourhood Plan as set out in Appendix A and subject to the Council’s additional modifications in Appendix B, it be approved to proceed to a referendum.
(3) That the Counting Officer be instructed to make arrangements and conduct a referendum on the Baldock, Bygrave and Clothall Neighbourhood Plan.
REASON FOR DECISIONS: To progress the Baldock, Bygrave and Clothall Neighbourhood Plan, enable a referendum to take place and, if more than 50% of those voting in favour of the Baldock, Bygrave and Clothall Neighbourhood Plan take steps towards “making” the neighbourhood plan.