Issue - decisions

20/00891/FP Land at Turnpike Lane and Adjacent To 4 Manor Close, Turnpike Lane, Ickleford, Hertfordshire

12/02/2021 - 20/00891/FP Land at Turnpike Lane and Adjacent To 4 Manor Close, Turnpike Lane, Ickleford, Hertfordshire

RESOLVED: That application 20/00891/FP be REFUSED planning permission for the reasons below:


The application site is within an area designated in the North Hertfordshire District Local Plan no.2 with Alterations as Green Belt, within which there is a presumption against inappropriate development, such as that proposed, unless very special circumstances can be demonstrated.  In the view of the Local Planning Authority the proposal is not supported by such circumstances.  Moreover, it would harm the fundamental aim of Green Belt policy which seeks to maintain the openness of the area.  As such, the proposal would not accord with the provisions of Policy 2 of the District Local Plan no.2 with Alterations 1996 or with the provisions of section 13 of the NPPF.