Issue - decisions

21/01392/FP Land Rear Of 17, Walnut Tree Road, Pirton, Hertfordshire


RESOLVED: That application 21/01392/FP be GRANTED planning permission subject to the submission of a satisfactory Unilateral Undertaking to secure Primary, Secondary and Library contributions as requested by Hertfordshire County Council and the sum of £5,000  to be paid to the Pirton Parish Council towards the replacement of the Pirton Recreation Ground Pavilion, and the conditions outlined in the report of the Development and Conservation Manager including the following amended condition:


Condition 6 to read:

“The following ecological mitigation measures are to be observed during the construction phase:

 --Vegetation and building clearance works should only occur between the months of September and February inclusive to avoid impacts on breeding birds. Where this timing is not feasible works should be preceded by a nesting bird check.

 --If one or more bats are found once works have commenced, work must cease immediately and a licenced bat ecologist consulted.

 --Ivy should be removed from any tree which is proposed to be felled during the development process as soon as possible, to restrict potential opportunities for  roosting bats.

 --During construction, any trenches on site should be covered at night or have mammal ramps to ensure that any animals that enter can safely escape - this is particularly important if holes fill with water.

- The provision of hedgehog holes within the boundary fences to all plots to enable foraging hedgehogs to be able to pass freely through the site.”