Issue - decisions

20/01138/RM Land Surrounding Burloes Cottages, Newmarket Road, Royston, Hertfordshire


RESOLVED: That application 20/01138/RM be GRANTED planning permission subject to the reasons and conditions outlined in the report of the Development and Conservation Manager and the following amendments to conditions:


·         Condition 5 to be amended to the following:


“Prior to the occupation of the 83rd unit, the development hereby permitted shall be implemented in accordance with the ecological mitigation measures described in section 4 of the Ecology Addendum October 2020 where they relate to the first phase of development.


Reason - In the interests of Biodiversity”


·         Condition 9 to be added with the following:


“Prior to the commencement of the development the applicant shall submit a programme for the delivery and adoption (or private management of)  footpaths around the site, with public access secured in perpetuity including non-car access for cycles and mobility scooters to the established residential development off of Valley Rise. This programme will be agreed by the Local Planning Authority in conjunction with Herts County Council Rights of Way. The agreed programme will be implemented in accordance with any agreed phasing programme and thereafter maintained in perpetuity. Any proposed footpaths shall be located and laid out to ensure that any loss of trees is minimised as much as is reasonably possible’.


Reason: To deliver a sustainable scheme of public rights of way for the incumbent population and the wider community.”