Issue - decisions

Draft Budget 2022/23

22/12/2021 - DRAFT BUDGET 2022/23



(1)  That Cabinet noted the latest funding forecasts for 2022/23 and the significant uncertainty around inflation and Central Government funding, and that these estimates provided could be subject to significant change.


(2)  That Cabinet noted the comments made at the budget workshops, and comment on the inclusion of the revenue savings and investments in the budget to be brought back for consideration in January, for referral on to Council in February.


(3)  That Cabinet noted the comments made at the budget workshops, and comment on the inclusion of the capital investments in the Investment Strategy to be brought back for consideration in January, for referral on to Council in February.


REASON FOR DECISION: To ensure that all relevant factors are considered in arriving at a proposed budget, Investment Strategy and Council Tax level for 2022/23, to be considered by Full Council on 10 February 2022.