Issue - decisions

Review of Members' Allowances Scheme


RESOLVED: That Council:


(1)       Considers the report and recommendations of the IRP, as attached as Appendix A of the submitted report.


(2)       Agrees that the 2021/22 Members’ Allowances Scheme continue unchanged for 2022/23;


(3)       Agrees the increase to the Independent Person and Reserve Independent Persons allowances as detailed in 4.8 of Appendix A and 8.9 of this report at 1.75%


(4)       Agrees the allowance to the Independent Member on the Finance, Audit and Risk Committee as detailed in Appendix A and 8.12 of this report and should this figure not attract any suitable candidates that the Service Director in consultation with the Executive Member of Finance and IT be authorised to increase this to a maximum of £1500 per annum.


REASONS FOR DECISION: To ensure that the Council meets its statutory requirements of an annual review and adoption of the scheme.