Issue - decisions

21/03533/FP Land West Of Tuthill House, Kelshall Tops, Therfield, Hertfordshire

27/06/2022 - 21/03533/FP Land West Of Tuthill House, Kelshall Tops, Therfield, Hertfordshire



(1)  That application 21/03533/FP be GRANTED planning permission subject to the completion of the S106 agreement and deed of variation, the applicant agreeing to any necessary extensions to the statutory determination period to achieve this and to request additional comments from the Lead Local Flood Authority and to add any condition(s) they request before the grant of planning permission.


(2)  Independently to the grant of planning permission for the Council to investigate whether a group Tree Preservation Order (TPO) should be served on the trees outside the application site immediately to the south to secure their long term protection following an assessment of the state and condition of the trees.