Issue - decisions


18/01/2024 - COUNCIL TAX REDUCTION SCHEME 2024/2025

RESOLVED: That Cabinet:


(1)   Noted that the new scheme has had a greater financial impact than expected, and any resultant Collection Fund shortfall will be split between the Council and its Major Precepting Authorities. The Councils share will be around 12.5%.


(2)   Noted that the Discretionary Exceptional Hardship Scheme, previously agreed to provide additional transitional support, has been underspent, largely due to the positive impacts of the main scheme. (The surplus of this will be used to off-set the impact on the District Council in relation to the main scheme).


(3)   Noted a further review is being undertaken during 2024/2025, to ascertain any further changes to be considered for the scheme in 2025/2026.




(1)   That the new branded scheme for working age applicants remains unchanged for 2024/2025.


REASON FOR DECISIONS: To ensure that the Council has a Council Tax Reduction Scheme that continues to:


·       Provide the greatest support to the lowest income households.

·       Reduce the administrative burden that has been placed on the Council since the introduction of Universal Credit (UC).

·       Be simple to understand, meaning that customers will be able to calculate entitlement and assess the impact of potential changes in circumstance.