Issue - decisions

Adoption of a new Housing Strategy (2024-2029)

20/03/2024 - ADOPTION OF A NEW HOUSING STRATEGY (2024-2029)

RESOLVED: That Cabinet:


(1)   Approved the adoption of the Council’s Housing Strategy (2024-2029).


(2)   Delegated to the Director of Housing and Environmental Health in conjunction with the Executive Member for Housing and Environmental Health, the power to make minor amendments to the Strategy.


(3)   Delegated to the Director of Housing and Environmental Health in conjunction with the Executive Member for Housing and Environmental Health, the power to agree an annual action plan which will set out the specific actions to be undertaken to implement the Housing Strategy.


(4)   For matters that are not reserved for Cabinet, delegated to the Director of Housing and Environmental Health in conjunction with the Executive Member for Housing and Environmental Health, the power to decide on the specific allocation of homelessness funding received from central government in order to meet homelessness priorities, for the duration of the Strategy.


REASON FOR DECISIONS: The current Housing Strategy is coming to the end of its life. The proposed new Strategy will enable the Council to continue to undertake its strategic housing responsibilities over the next five years in a planned, transparent and inclusive manner.