RESOLVED: That application 23/01885/FP be GRANTED planning permission subject to:
A) The completion of a S106 agreement in line with the agreed Heads of Terms;
B) The receipt of the Impact and Conservation Payment Certificate following an application to Natural England under the GCN District Level Licensing (DLL) or any other means to address impact on GCN and a response of no objection from the North Herts Ecologist;
C) Seeking to address the objection from the Highway Authority relating to refuse collection, which the Highway Authority have indicated can be reasonably achieved, and this matter is delegated to the Development and Conservation Manager and the Chair of Planning Control Committee, so that this application would not need to come back to Planning Committee for this reason alone;
D) The agreement to an extension of time to the statutory determination date to allow time for (A), (B) and (C) to occur; and
E) The conditions and informatives recommended in the report, and any other reasonable and necessary conditions that are recommended by the Highway Authority.
And the following additional Condition 35 to read:
“Condition 35:
Notwithstanding the submitted plans, no gates shall be provided across the access to the site.
Reason: In the interests of local visual amenity and to comply with Policy D1 of the North Hertfordshire Local Plan 2011 to 2031.”