Issue - decisions

Council Plan 2024-2028

12/09/2024 - COUNCIL PLAN 2024-2028



(1)   The approval of the Council Plan (Appendix A) with the four new Council Priorities as outlined below:

· Thriving Communities

· Accessible Services

· Responsible Growth

· Sustainability


(2)   That authority be delegated to the Managing Director and Leader of the Council to approve any minor amendments to wording required as a result of the design process.


REASON FOR RECOMMENDATION: The Council Plan is a key element of the corporate business planning process, as a high-level strategic document it sets out the Council’s Priorities for the next four years. As an overarching policy framework document, it guides and influences the use of Council resources; providing a focus for activities, plans, and services that the Council provide. The introduction to the plan highlights the link between the Council Plan and the Medium-Term Financial Strategy and service delivery plans.

05/09/2024 - COUNCIL PLAN 2024-2028



(1)   That Cabinet reviews and recommends the approval of the Council Plan to Full Council (Appendix A) with the four new Council Priorities as outlined below:

·       Thriving Communities

·       Accessible Services

·       Responsible Growth

·       Sustainability


(2)   Delegate authority to the Managing Director and Leader of the Council to approve any minor amendments to wording required as a result of the design process.


REASON FOR RECOMMENDATION: The Council Plan is a key element of the corporate business planning process, as a high level strategic document it sets out the Council’s Priorities for the next four years. As an overarching policy framework document, it guides and influences the use of Council resources; providing a focus for activities, plans, and services that the Council provide. The introduction to the plan highlights the link between the Council Plan and the Medium Term Financial Strategy and service delivery plans.