RESOLVED: That the Committee
(1) Considered the responses to the public consultation.
(2) Commented on the Policy, attached as Appendix A, and delegated authority to the Licensing and Community Safety Manager, in consultation with the Chair of the Licensing and Regulation Committee, to make amendments to the policy, as outlined at the meeting.
(1) The existing policy has worked well since its adoption with effect from 26 October 2020, following a public consultation on a number of changes to policy.
(2) The adoption of a policy ensures that applicants, licence holders, and the public have a clear understanding of the licensing process and objectives; it also ensures a consistent and transparent approach to decision-making.
(3) Continued efficiencies through smarter ways of working, supported by the co-operation of the licence holders, has resulted in changes to the policy that will improve the customer experience and make best use of existing resources.
(4) Government has published two new documents that local authorities must consider when adopting its next policy, and they have been considered as part of this consultation process.
(5) Early discussions with the North Herts Taxi Drivers Association identified some additional suggestions that were included in the policy published for consultation.