Issue - decisions

18/00359/RM Land East Of Garden Walk And North Of Newmarket Road, Garden Walk, Royston, Hertfordshire


Audio Recording – Session 3 – Start of Item - 4 minutes 9 seconds


RESOLVED: That Reserved Matters 18/00359/RM be APPROVED, subject to the conditions and reasons set out in the report of the Development and Conservation Manager with the following amendments, deletions and additions to the conditions:


Condition 9

Condition 9 to read:


“Notwithstanding the plans submitted the development shall not commence until details of design of pedestrian footway for all persons including disabled persons that connects the Phase 2 development site with circular footway approved within Phase 1 of the wider site has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority and the Highway Authority. The facilities shall be provided in accordance with the approved details before the development is occupied or use commences.


Reason: In the interests of access for all within the site.”


Condition 10

That Condition 10 be deleted.


Condition 16

Condition 16 to read:


“Notwithstanding the plans hereby approved, an amended site plan and elevation details showing provision of covered external residential storage for dwellings must be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. Such details should include provision for covered storage of residential paraphernalia (garden equipment), secure cycle storage for the occupants of the residential units, as well as bin stores. The details approved by way of this condition must be implemented prior to the occupation of any dwelling hereby approved.


Reason: To ensure adequate outdoor storage as required in association with the residential use of the site and promote storage of waste receptacles off-street in the interests of the living conditions of future occupiers and the character and quality of the development.”


Additional Condition

That the following condition be added:


“That the first floor windows in elevations of plots referred to in Paragraph 4.3.28 are fitted with obscure glass.”