Issue - decisions



RESOLVED: That, application 18/00747/OP be REFUSED planning permission for the following reasons:


REASON:      By reason of its prominent position and the topography of the site, the proposed development would be likely to result in significant localised adverse impacts on both the character of the area and visual receptors. While these impacts could be mitigated to a limited extent, the combination of residential built form on high ground and the associated urbanising infrastructure, including the proposed new road access over the Common and development breaking the skyline, would act to occasion a marked and adverse change in the character of the immediate and intermediate locality and wider valued landscape. This adverse impact would represent conflict with the aims of the NPPF and Polices CGB1, SP5, SP12c NE1 and NE6 of the emerging local plan and Policies 6 and 21 of the Saved local plan. This conflict would amount to significant and demonstrable harm that is not outweighed by any other material considerations.


1.    Natural England has advised that there is no acknowledgement of the impact on the SSSI within in the Ecological Appraisal and therefore consider this document to be incomplete. It is extremely important that direct impacts upon the SSSI are accurately quantified and assessed. In the absence of a separate SSSI Impact Assessment in this case, the potential for significant adverse effects has not been adequately evaluated such that would demonstrate compliance with the provisions of NEx and NE6 of the emerging local plan and the NPPF.


2.    DfT’s Inclusive Mobility, HCC’s Passenger Transport in New Developments,  The Chartered Institution of Highways Transportation (CIHT) guidance ‘Buses in Urban Developments’ published in January 2018 and the ‘Roads in Hertfordshire Design Guide’ (3rd Edition January 2011) state that development layouts should be designed such that all occupied areas are no more than 400m walking distance from a bus stop. There are no bus stops within 400m of the proposed development and to be considered sustainable any new or re-routed service to the proposed housing must have a good chance of being commercially viable after developer pump-priming contributions have been exhausted. The Highway Authority has examined the options for servicing the development route by route in order to establish the viability of the public transport options in the longer term. It has concluded that it is unlikely that a satisfactory route would be available in the longer term. Accordingly, it is considered that the proposed development would be unlikely to benefit from a satisfactory bus service beyond the short term with residents being denied access to high quality public transport contrary to the aims of the NPPF, Policy T1 (assessment of transport matters) of the Local Plan and HCC’s Local Transport Plan 4.


3.    The submitted planning application has not been accompanied by a valid legal undertaking (in the form of a Section 106 obligation) securing the provision of 40% affordable housing and other necessary obligations as set out in the Council's Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) (adopted November 2006) and the Planning obligation guidance - toolkit for Hertfordshire: Hertfordshire County Council's requirements January 2008. The secure delivery of these obligations is required to mitigate the impact of the development on the identified services in accordance with the adopted Planning Obligations SPD, Policy 51 of the North Hertfordshire District Local Plan No. 2 - with Alterations (Saved Polices 2007) or Proposed Local Plan Policy HS2 of the Council's Proposed Submission Local Plan (2011-2031). Without this mechanism to secure these provisions the development scheme cannot be considered as sustainable form of development contrary of the requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).