Issue - decisions

Grant Policy Report


RESOLVED: That the proposed review of the Community Grants Policy and criteria be noted


RECOMMENDED TO CABINET: That the criteria and outline consultation process be approved, subject to the following comments:


·                That the ability for Parish Councils t apply for grant funding would increase the number of applicants, whilst the budget remained static;

·                That additional pressure would be put on those committees with Parished areas;

·                That the District Wide Budget of £10,000 be supported;

·                That in allocation of grant funding, due cognisance be made that Hitchin and Letchworth Committees were not Parished;

·                That the Policy, in respect of Parish Council eligibility to apply for grant funding, be reviewed in 2 years.


REASON FOR DECISION: The awarding of grant funding awards to organisations, charities and voluntary groups, and the use of grant budgets devolved to Area Committees allows the Authority to further its aims and overarching Priorities of the Council and District.