Venue: Council Chamber, District Council Offices, Gernon Road, Letchworth Garden City, SG6 3JF
Contact: Committee Services - 01462 474655 Email:
No. | Item | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Decision: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Lisa Nash, Steven Patmore, Sam Collins and Cathy Brownjohn. Minutes: Audio recording – 1 minute 51 seconds
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Lisa Nash, Steven Patmore, Sam Collins and Cathy Brownjohn.
Councillor Michael Muir was absent. |
MINUTES - 15 JANUARY AND 23 JANUARY 2025 To take as read and approve as a true record the minutes of the meeting of the Committee held on the 15 January and 23 January 2025. Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on 15 January and 23 January 2025 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chair. Minutes: Audio recording – 2 minutes 7 seconds
Councillor Clare Billing, as Chair, proposed and Councillor Daniel Allen seconded and, following a vote, it was:
RESOLVED: That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on 15 January and 23 January 2025 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chair. |
NOTIFICATION OF OTHER BUSINESS Members should notify the Chair of other business which they wish to be discussed at the end of either Part I or Part II business set out in the agenda. They must state the circumstances which they consider justify the business being considered as a matter of urgency.
The Chair will decide whether any item(s) raised will be considered. Decision: There was no other business notified. Minutes: Audio recording – 2 minutes 54 seconds
There was no other business notified. |
The Council has declared a climate emergency and is committed to achieving a target of zero carbon emissions by 2030 and helping local people and businesses to reduce their own carbon emissions.
A Cabinet Panel on the Environment has been established to engage with local people on matters relating to the climate emergency and advise the council on how to achieve these climate change objectives. A Climate Change Implementation group of councillors and council officers meets regularly to produce plans and monitor progress. Actions taken or currently underway include switching to green energy, incentives for low emission taxis, expanding tree planting and working to cut food waste.
In addition the council is a member of the Hertfordshire Climate Change and Sustainability Partnership, working with other councils across Hertfordshire to reduce the county’s carbon emissions and climate impact.
The Council’s dedicated webpage on Climate Change includes details of the council’s climate change strategy, the work of the Cabinet Panel on the Environment and a monthly briefing on progress.
Ecological Emergency
The Council has declared an ecological emergency and is committed to addressing the ecological emergency and nature recovery by identifying appropriate areas for habitat restoration and biodiversity net gain whilst ensuring that development limits impact on existing habitats in its process.
The Council has set out to do that by a) setting measurable targets and standards for biodiversity increase, in both species and quantities, seeking to increase community engagement, b) to work with our partners to establish a Local Nature Partnership for Hertfordshire and to develop Nature Recovery Networks and Nature Recovery Strategy for Hertfordshire and c) to investigate new approaches to nature recovery such as habitat banking that deliver biodiversity objectives and provide new investment opportunities.
Declarations of Interest
Members are reminded that any declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest or Declarable Interest and are required to notify the Chair of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the relevant item on the agenda. Members declaring a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest must withdraw from the meeting for the duration of the item. Members declaring a Declarable Interest, wishing to exercise a ‘Councillor Speaking Right’, must declare this at the same time as the interest, move to the public area before speaking to the item and then must leave the room before the debate and vote. Decision: (1) The Chair advised that, in accordance with Council Policy, the meeting would be recorded.
(2) The Chair reminded Members that the Council had declared both a Climate Emergency and an Ecological Emergency. These are serious decisions, and mean that, as this was an emergency, all of us, Officers and Members had that in mind as we carried out our various roles and tasks for the benefit of our District.
(3) The Chair drew attention to the item on the agenda front pages regarding Declarations of Interest and reminded Members that, in line with the Code of Conduct, any Declarations of Interest needed to be declared immediately prior to the item in question.
(4) The Chair advised that the normal procedure rules in respect of debate and times to speak will apply.
(5) The Chair advised that 4.8.23(a) of the Constitution did not apply to this meeting. A comfort break would be held at an appropriate time, should proceedings continue at length.
(6) The Chair reminded the Committee about the upcoming Chair’s Civic Event and Awards, being held on Friday 28 February 2025. Minutes: Audio recording – 3 minutes 4 seconds
(1) The Chair advised that, in accordance with Council Policy, the meeting would be recorded.
(2) The Chair reminded Members that the Council had declared both a Climate Emergency and an Ecological Emergency. These are serious decisions, and mean that, as this was an emergency, all of us, Officers and Members had that in mind as we carried out our various roles and tasks for the benefit of our District.
(3) The Chair drew attention to the item on the agenda front pages regarding Declarations of Interest and reminded Members that, in line with the Code of Conduct, any Declarations of Interest needed to be declared immediately prior to the item in question.
(4) The Chair advised that the normal procedure rules in respect of debate and times to speak will apply.
(5) The Chair advised that 4.8.23(a) of the Constitution did not apply to this meeting. A comfort break would be held at an appropriate time, should proceedings continue at length.
(6) The Chair reminded the Committee about the upcoming Chair’s Civic Event and Awards, being held on Friday 28 February 2025. |
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION To receive petitions, comments and questions from the public. Decision: There was no public participation at this meeting. Minutes: Audio recording – 5 minutes 26 seconds
There was no public participation at this meeting. |
ITEMS REFERRED FROM OTHER COMMITTEES 6A) Cabinet – Budget 2025/26 (Revenue Budget and Investment Strategy) – to be considered with Item 10. Decision: The Chair advised that the item referred from Cabinet would be taken with the respective item on the agenda. Minutes: Audio recording – 5 minutes 30 seconds
The Chair advised that the item referred from Cabinet would be taken with the respective item on the agenda. |
To consider and agree the Draft Proposals for the second stage of public consultation of the Community Governance Review. Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED: That Council:
(1) Noted the outcome of the first stage consultation.
(2) Agreed the Draft Proposals for the Community Governance Review, launching a public consultation on these [note that the Final Recommendations will be considered at a future Council meeting, taking the results of the public consultation into account] to subject to the following amendments:
i Letchworth:
ii. That the proposed number of councillors for parishes with fewer than 500 electors be reduced from 7 to 5.
(3) Noted that hard-copy leaflets will be distributed to households in areas where external parish boundaries are proposed to be moved, new parish councils established, or new parish wards implemented.
REASON FOR DECISIONS: The Council is required to keep parish electoral arrangements under review. Following the Local Government Boundary Commission for England (LGBCE) review of district electoral arrangements (Council size and warding patterns), it is necessary to review parish arrangements across the district to bring them into alignment, ensure they remain fit for purpose, and to ensure they continue to reflect local needs. This report provides Draft Proposals following the first round of public consultation. Before Final Recommendations can be developed and considered, there must be a public consultation on the Draft Proposals, the responses to which will be taken into account in forming the Final Recommendations. Minutes: Audio recording – 5 minutes 46 seconds
Richard Beesley, a Consultant working for the Council, presented the report entitled ‘Community Governance Review – Draft Proposals for Public Consultation’ and advised that:
· The Council was undertaking a Community Governance Review (CGR) of parish electoral arrangements. · The results from the first stage of public consultation had been used to develop a number of draft proposals. · Once these draft proposals were approved by Council, a second round of public consultation would begin. Responses to the second round of public consultation would be used to develop the final recommendations which would come back to Council later in the year for consideration and implementation. · This paper set out the background and legislative considerations, but nothing has been finalised at this stage. · It was important to hear the views of local people, parish and town councils throughout the consultation. · Part of the proposal was to change the electoral cycle to move parish and town council elections in line with North Herts Council elections. · Another part was to amend the number of parish and town councillors as set out in paragraph 8.10 of the report. · It was proposed to adjust several external parish boundaries and to create new town councils in Baldock and Hitchin. · It was proposed to adjust internal parish ward boundaries to align with North Herts Council wards in Royston and to create of new parish ward in Ickleford. · Leaflets would be distributed to households in areas affected by any proposed changes to ensure awareness of public consultations. This would start slightly later on 14 March 2025.
Following a question from Councillor Clare Strong, the Consultant advised that parish council elections could still be changed if required following the English Devolution White Paper.
Councillor Emma Fernandes proposed an amendment to recommendation 2.2 for a draft proposal for a parish and town council for Letchworth, subject to consultation with residents, with wards to align to the district wards. Councillor Nigel Mason seconded the amendment.
The following Members took part in the debate on the amendment:
· Councillor Ian Mantle · Councillor Ralph Muncer · Councillor David Chalmers · Councillor Claire Strong · Councillor Sean Nolan · Councillor Sean Prendergast · Councillor Nigel Mason · Councillor Alistair Willoughby · Councillor Tina Bhartwas · Councillor Daniel Allen
Points raised during the debate included:
· There had been an unsuccessful attempt in the past to create a parish for Letchworth due to the results of consultation with local residents. · Due to the uncertainty in the future of the Council following the English Devolution White Paper it was important to ensure that Letchworth was not left without a town council. · The residents of Letchworth should be given the opportunity to discuss and offer their opinions before a decision of creating a parish and new town council was decided. · There were concerns of the costs involved and whether it was the right time for this to happen with the uncertainty of the future of the Council. · The number of councillor seats per ward could be determined at a later stage in ... view the full minutes text for item 94. |
This report sets out proposed changes to the structure of the Council’s Leadership Team and Senior Management, to create additional capacity to support the delivery of the Council Plan whilst also ensuring staff are supported, work is delivered, and strategic leadership is provided.
Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED: That Council:
(1) Approved the ongoing additional budget of £112k per year for inclusion in the Budget 2025/26 (Revenue Budget and Investment Strategy).
(2) Noted the proposed Leadership Team and Senior Management arrangements as set out in the report and the proposed timetable for the implementation of these arrangements.
(3) Waived the constitutional requirements for the appoint of a Director, in this instance, and authorise the Head of Paid Service to offer the new role of Director - Regulatory to the current Service Director Housing and Environmental Health.
(4) Authorised the Monitoring Officer and Chief Finance Officer to make the necessary amendments to the Council’s Constitution (including the Contract Procurement Rules and Financial Regulations) and any consequential title changes to other Policy and Procedure documentation, to reflect the new Leadership Team and Senior Management arrangements.
REASON FOR DECISIONS: To ensure that the Council has a Leadership Team and Senior Management structure that is fit for purpose and is able to deliver the Council’s priorities. The proposed structure also responds to one of the recommendations in the Corporate Peer Challenge report. Minutes: Audio recording – 48 minutes 50 seconds
N.B. The Service Director – Resources and the Service Director – Legal and Community moved to the public gallery for this item.
The Managing Director presented the report entitled ‘Leadership Team and Senior Management Restructure’ and advised:
· This was a very thorough report and was self-explanatory. · The proposals in the report have been developed over several years. · This proposal was supported by the findings of the LGA Corporate Peer Challenge who had stated that the leadership team should be increased to ensure sufficient strategic leadership capacity and effective deliverance of services. · The current leadership team at North Hertfordshire District Council was smaller and cheaper than other similar councils. · The Council had been operating with this temporary structure for 18 months and a difference in delivery had been seen. · Having a seventh director had created capacity for the other directors to dedicate to other areas. · A number of options had been considered and these were all detailed in the report. · The post of the ‘Managing Director’ was to be renamed to ‘Chief Executive’ and the posts of ‘Service Director’ renamed ‘Director’. · Descriptions of each position could be found in paragraphs 8.2-8.10 of the report. · Staff had engaged positively and constructively to the consultation and feedback has been incorporated into this proposal where possible. The proposal had changed from start of consultation to what was presented to Council. · If approved, the seventh director position and new structure would start from the beginning of the new financial year, 1 April 2025.
The following Members asked questions:
· Councillor Claire Strong · Councillor Joe Graziano · Councillor Ralph Muncer · Councillor Martin Prescott · Councillor David Barnard · Councillor Daniel Allen
In response to questions, the Managing Director advised that:
· Local government was a completely different sector to retail and division of budget and headcount did not equate to equality of responsibilities. · The post of one of the directors was part time for 30 hours a week and savings from this had already been allocated elsewhere within the staffing budget. · The best outcome for the Council would be to retain the individual who has been in the role on a temporary basis. · Two service directors would be retiring over the next few months and retaining this individual would help to ensure the stability of the Council. · The timeline for recruiting a new individual would be approximately 2-3 months from start to finish, plus any notice period. · An individual transferring from another local authority would be able to retain continuous service benefits. · The LGA Corporate Peer Challenge identified that the current leadership team was stretched and a permanent position of a seventh director would provide additional capacity.
Councillor Ruth Brown proposed an amendment to recommendation 2.1 that the additional budget of £112k per year was for 2 years only. Councillor Paul Ward seconded the amendment.
The following Members took part in the debate on the amendment:
· Councillor Sadie Billing · Councillor Alistair Willoughby · Councillor Sean Nolan · Councillor Paul Ward · Councillor Nigel Mason · Councillor Daniel Allen ... view the full minutes text for item 95. |
This report sets out a draft Pay Policy Statement 2025/26 (Appendix 1) for Council’s consideration and approval in accordance with the requirements of Section 38 of the Localism Act 2011 (the Act), associated guidance issued under Section 40 of the Act, the Local Government Transparency Code 2015 and any other relevant legislation. Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED:That Council:
(1) Approved the 2025/26 Pay Policy Statement attached at Appendix 1.
(2) Delegated authority for revisions made in year to the Pay Policy Statement, to the Service Director - Resources, in consultation with the Leader of the Council. Revisions which might arise in the year include changes in structure, changes to employment benefits, subsequent pay awards agreed nationally and new legislative requirements.
REASON FOR DECISIONS: To comply with the requirements of Section 38 of the Localism Act 2011, Statutory Guidance issued under s40 and the Local Government Transparency Code 2015. Minutes: Audio recording – 1 hours 36 minutes 36 seconds
The Services Director Resources presented the report ‘Pay Policy Statement 2025/26’ and advised that:
· The draft Pay Policy Statement 2025/36 at Appendix 1 was for approval by Council. · This was a statutory requirement to be approved annually as required by The Localism Act 2011.
Councillor Daniel Allen proposed and Councillor Ian Albert seconded and, following a vote, it was:
RESOLVED:That Council:
(1) Approved the 2025/26 Pay Policy Statement attached at Appendix 1.
(2) Delegated authority for revisions made in year to the Pay Policy Statement, to the Service Director - Resources, in consultation with the Leader of the Council. Revisions which might arise in the year include changes in structure, changes to employment benefits, subsequent pay awards agreed nationally and new legislative requirements.
REASON FOR DECISIONS: To comply with the requirements of Section 38 of the Localism Act 2011, Statutory Guidance issued under s40 and the Local Government Transparency Code 2015.
N.B. There was a break in proceedings following this item and the meeting reconvened at 21:23 |
Cabinet recommends a budget for 2025/26 to Council for their consideration and approval. Additional documents:
Decision: RESOLVED: That Council:
(1) Noted the position on the Collection Fund and how it would be funded.
(2) Noted the position relating to the General Fund balance and that due to the risks identified a minimum balance of £2.6 million was recommended.
(3) Noted the revenue savings that were likely to be required in future years, combined with the Chief Finance Officer’s section 25 report (Appendix D) which provided a commentary on the risks and reliability of estimates contained in the budget.
(4) Approved the revenue savings and investments as detailed in Addendum Appendix B, as amended by additional proposals.
(5) Approved the capital programme as detailed in Appendix C.
(6) Approved a net expenditure budget of £22.914m, as detailed in Appendix E as amended.
(7) Approved a Council Tax increase of 2.99%, which was in line with the provisions in the Medium Term Financial Strategy.
(8) Approved the Investment Strategy as detailed in Appendix F.
(9) Approved the adoption of the four clauses in relation to the Code of Practice on Treasury Management (as detailed in paragraphs 8.32 to 8.35).
(10) Approved to increase Grant funding for Community Forums by £30,000 for 2025/26 only, in the light of the continued reduced support to local organisations from County Council Member Locality Budgets.
(11) Approved to set aside a contingency budget of £40k in 2025/26 that will allow cost effective feasibility work to be carried out to further assess whether there are viable options for a Learner pool at Royston Leisure Centre.
(12) Approved that once having spoken with residents, particularly in the rural communities, to add an additional Community Safety Officer post at a cost of £52,000 per year from 2025/26 onwards.
(1) To ensure that all relevant factors are considered in arriving at a budget (revenue and capital) and Council Tax level for 2025/26. To ensure that the budget is aligned to Council priorities for 2024-28 as set out in the Council Plan.
(2) The Council’s Investment Strategy is set to comply with relevant statutory guidance, including the CIPFA Prudential Code. The Strategy also sets out the Council’s approach to risks in relation to the investment of surplus cash. Minutes: Audio recording 1 hour 56 minutes 30 seconds
N.B. Cllr Paul Ward declared an interest in this item due to his employment and left the Chamber for the duration of consideration of recommendation 2.8.
N.B. During the break Councillor Dominic Griffiths left the meeting and did not return.
The Chair advised that recommendation 2.8 would be taken ahead of recommendations 2.1-2.7 and 2.9 and the debate and vote on these would be taken separately.
The Chair invited Councillor Daniel Allen, as Leader of the Council, to introduce the referral from Cabinet.
N.B. Councillor Ruth Clifton left the Chamber at 21.29 and did not return.
Councillor Ian Albert, as the Executive Member for Finance and IT, presented recommendation 2.8 of the report entitled ‘Budget 2025/26 (Revenue Budget and Investment Strategy) and advised that:
· The Investment Strategy highlighted where the Council could invest surplus funds and included the prudential and treasury indicators. · Capital spend implications meant that the Council would need to borrow to fund the capital programme and this meant that capital investment came with an increased cost. · The Council would need to borrow externally in the longer term with a premium. · Borrowing whether internally or externally resulted in a Minimum Revenue Position charge that was spread over the life of the asset it was used to fund.
Councillor Ian Albert proposed and Councillor Daniel Allen seconded and, the outcome of the recorded vote was:
YES : 40 ABSTAIN : 0 NO : 2 TOTAL : 42
THE INDIVIDUAL RESULTS WERE AS FOLLOWS Cllr Ian Albert YES Cllr Amy Allen YES Cllr Daniel Allen YES Cllr David Barnard NO Cllr Matt Barnes YES Cllr Tina Bhartwas YES Cllr Clare Billing YES Cllr Sadie Billing YES Cllr Ruth Brown YES Cllr Val Bryant YES Cllr Rhona Cameron YES Cllr David Chalmers YES Cllr Jon Clayden YES Cllr Mick Debenham YES Cllr Elizabeth Dennis YES Cllr Emma Fernandes YES Cllr Joe Graziano Cllr Dominic Griffiths YES Cllr Sarah Lucas YES Cllr Keith Hoskins YES Cllr Steve Jarvis YES Cllr Tim Johnson YES Cllr Chris Lucas YES Cllr Ian Mantle YES Cllr Nigel Mason YES Cllr Bryony May YES Cllr Caroline McDonnell YES Cllr Ralph Muncer NO Cllr Sean Nolan YES Cllr Louise Peace YES Cllr Vijaiya Poopalasingham YES Cllr Sean Prendergast YES Cllr Martin Prescott YES Cllr Emma Rowe YES Cllr Claire Strong Cllr Tamsin Thomas YES Cllr Tom Tyson YES Cllr Laura Williams YES Cllr Alistair Willoughby YES Cllr Stewart Willoughby YES Cllr Claire Winchester YES Cllr Dave Winstanley YES Cllr Donna Wright YES Cllr Daniel Wright-Mason YES
RESOLVED: That Council:
(1) Approved the Investment Strategy as detailed in Appendix F.
REASON FOR DECISION: The Council’s Investment Strategy is set to comply with relevant statutory guidance, including the CIPFA Prudential Code. The Strategy also sets out the Council’s approach to risks in relation to the investment of surplus cash.
N.B. Following the conclusion of the vote on recommendation 2.8, Cllr Paul Ward returned to the Chamber for the rest of ... view the full minutes text for item 97. |
The purpose of this report is to obtain approval for the Council Tax requirement and the overall Council Tax rates for the district of North Hertfordshire for 2025/26. Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED: That Council:
Minutes: Audio recording - 3 hours 37 minutes 3 seconds
The Service Director – Resources presented the report ‘Council Tax Resolution 2024/25’ and advised that:
· The Council was required to incorporate the various other elements of the Council Tax precepts to set the overall Council Tax bills for the district. · As there would be an increase to the forecast spend for 2025/26 this had resulted in a change to the figures in recommendations 2.2 (a) and (b)’
Councillor Ian Albert proposed and Councillor Daniel Allen seconded the amended recommendations and, the outcome of the recorded vote was:
YES : 37 ABSTAIN : 3 NO : 1 TOTAL : 41
Cllr Ian Albert YES Cllr Amy Allen YES Cllr Daniel Allen YES Cllr David Barnard NO Cllr Matt Barnes YES Cllr Tina Bhartwas YES Cllr Clare Billing YES Cllr Sadie Billing YES Cllr Ruth Brown YES Cllr Val Bryant YES Cllr Rhona Cameron YES Cllr David Chalmers YES Cllr Jon Clayden YES Cllr Mick Debenham YES Cllr Elizabeth Dennis YES Cllr Emma Fernandes YES Cllr Joe Graziano ABSTAIN Cllr Sarah Lucas YES Cllr Keith Hoskins YES Cllr Steve Jarvis YES Cllr Tim Johnson YES Cllr Chris Lucas YES Cllr Ian Mantle YES Cllr Nigel Mason YES Cllr Bryony May YES Cllr Caroline McDonnell YES Cllr Ralph Muncer ABSTAIN Cllr Louise Peace YES Cllr Vijaiya Poopalasingham YES Cllr Sean Prendergast YES Cllr Martin Prescott Cllr Emma Rowe YES Cllr Claire Strong ABSTAIN Cllr Tamsin Thomas Cllr Tom Tyson YES Cllr Paul Ward YES Cllr Laura Williams YES Cllr Alistair Willoughby YES Cllr Stewart Willoughby YES Cllr Claire Winchester YES Cllr Dave Winstanley YES Cllr Donna Wright YES Cllr Daniel Wright-Mason YES
RESOLVED: That Council:
QUESTIONS FROM MEMBERS To consider any questions submitted by Members of the Council, in accordance with Standing Order 4.8.11 (b). Decision: There were no questions submitted by Members of the Council, in accordance with Standing Order 4.8.11 (b). Minutes: Audio recording - 3 hours 39 minutes 43 seconds
No questions were submitted by Members of the Council, in accordance with Standing Order 4.8.11 (b). |
NOTICE OF MOTIONS To consider any motions, due notice of which have been given in accordance with Standing Order 4.8.12. Decision: There were no motions received by Members of the Council, in accordance with Standing Order 4.8.12. Minutes: Audio recording - 3 hours 39 minutes 46 seconds
No motions were received by Members of the Council, in accordance with Standing Order 4.8.12. |