Venue: Council Chamber, District Council Offices, Letchworth Garden City
Contact: Committee Services- 01462 474655 Email:
Note: Item 5 - 22/03040/FP has been withdrawn from the agenda at the request of the applicant, to allow time to further consult on outstanding technical issues with the LLFA.
No. | Item |
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE Members are required to notify any substitutions by midday on the day of the meeting.
Late substitutions will not be accepted and Members attending as a substitute without having given the due notice will not be able to take part in the meeting. Decision: Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Terry Tyler and Phil Weeder. Minutes: Audio recording – 1 minute 52 seconds
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors Terry Tyler and Phil Weeder. |
NOTIFICATION OF OTHER BUSINESS Members should notify the Chair of other business which they wish to be discussed at the end of either Part I or Part II business set out in the agenda. They must state the circumstances which they consider justify the business being considered as a matter of urgency.
The Chair will decide whether any item(s) raised will be considered. Decision: There was no other business notified. Minutes: Audio recording – 2 minutes 5 seconds
There was no other business notified. |
CHAIR'S ANNOUNCEMENTS Members are reminded that any declarations of interest in respect of any business set out in the agenda, should be declared as either a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest or Declarable Interest and are required to notify the Chair of the nature of any interest declared at the commencement of the relevant item on the agenda. Members declaring a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest must withdraw from the meeting for the duration of the item. Members declaring a Declarable Interest, wishing to exercise a ‘Councillor Speaking Right’, must declare this at the same time as the interest, move to the public area before speaking to the item and then must leave the room before the debate and vote. Decision: (1) The Chair advised that, in accordance with Council Policy, the meeting would be audio recorded.
(2) The Chair drew attention to the item on the agenda front pages regarding Declarations of Interest and reminded Members that, in line with the Code of Conduct, any Declarations of Interest needed to be declared immediately prior to the item in question.
(3) The Chair clarified matters for the registered speakers.
(4) The Chair advised that Section 4.8.23(a) of the Constitution applied to the meeting.
(5) The Chair advised that item 5 22/03040/FP had been withdrawn by the applicant. Minutes: Audio recording – 2 minutes 12 seconds
(1) The Chair advised that, in accordance with Council Policy, the meeting would be audio recorded.
(2) The Chair drew attention to the item on the agenda front pages regarding Declarations of Interest and reminded Members that, in line with the Code of Conduct, any Declarations of Interest needed to be declared immediately prior to the item in question.
(3) The Chair advised that Section 4.8.23(a) of the Constitution applied to the meeting. |
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION To receive petitions, comments and questions from the public. Decision: The Chair confirmed that the registered speakers were in attendance. Minutes: Audio recording – 3 minutes 40 seconds
The Chair confirmed the registered speakers were in attendance. |
Residential development comprising of 53 dwellings together with the creation of vehicular access off Bedford Road and associated parking and landscaping. Informative: The scheme proposes 53 new residential units (including 40% affordable homes), comprising the following mix: 14x1-bed, 19x2-bed, 11x3-bed and 9x4-bed. Additional documents: Decision: The Chair advised that this item had been withdrawn by the applicant, so that they could resolve outstanding technical concerns with the LLFA. Minutes: Audio recording – 3 minutes 55 seconds
The Chair advised that this item had been withdrawn by the applicant, so that they could resolve outstanding technical concerns with the LLFA. |
Temporary change of use of vacant industrial land for 5 years for use as a private car park to include construction of vehicular access, layout of hard surfaced area, security fencing and all ancillary works. Additional documents: Decision: RESOLVED: That application 23/01940/FP be GRANTED planning permission subject to the reasons and conditions set out in the report of the Development and Conservation Manager. Minutes: Audio recording – 4 minutes 6 seconds
The Development and Conservation Manager presented the report in respect of application 23/01940/FP supported by a visual presentation consisting of photographs and plans.
The Development and Conservation Manager advised that an update had been provided as a supplementary document which contained responses from the applicant regarding certain questions asked of the applicant and had been provided in a written note.
The following Members asked points for clarification:
· Councillor David Levett · Councillor Louise Peace · Councillor Simon Bloxham · Councillor Daniel Allen
In response to the points of clarification the Development and Conservation Manager stated that:
· This site was contaminated and the applicant would not be moving forward with housing on this site due to viability issues, but a temporary car park for five years would be good use of this vacant site. · The applicant would need to apply again in five years to renew permission for housing on this site. · After five years the area would be viable for a housing application as the gravel and mesh surface used for the car park was only temporary and the same material used by the National Trust on their sites. · This application was proposed for five years rather than three in case there were any delays in construction. · There would be 84 car parking spaces and 5 EV charging points, which was an adequate number for this size of temporary car park.
The Chair invited Mr Paul Atton to speak in support of the application. Mr Atton thanked the Chair for the opportunity and provided the Committee with a verbal presentation including that:
· In the current economic situation, the applicant cannot go ahead with the approved residential development of this area. · Use of this vacant land at the southern end of the business park as a temporary car park was highly sustainable.
The Chair thanked Mr Atton for his presentation.
The following Members took part in Debate:
· Councillor Sean Nolan · Councillor Simon Bloxham
Points raised during the debate included:
· The land would still be viable in five years to be returned to use for housing, as the surface is temporary and would not cause more contamination. · Use as a car park complies with the policy of alternative use of a site that would otherwise remain vacant.
Councillor David Levett proposed and Councillor Simon Bloxham seconded and, following a vote, it was:
RESOLVED: That application 23/01940/FP be GRANTED planning permission subject to the reasons and conditions set out in the report of the Development and Conservation Manager. |
Decision: The Development and Conservation Manager presented the report entitled ‘Planning Appeals’. Minutes: Audio recording 22 minutes 50 seconds
The Development and Conservation Manager presented the report entitled ‘Planning Appeals’.
In response to a point of clarification from Councillor Daniel Allen, the Development and Conservation Manager advised that there were no costs awarded against the Council on the lost appeal.
RESOLVED: That the Committee noted the report. |
Additional documents:
Decision: The Development and Conservation Manager presented the report entitled ‘S106 Agreements’.
Minutes: Audio recording 27 minutes 42 seconds
The Development and Conservation Manager presented the report entitled ‘S106 Agreements’.
RESOLVED: That the Committee noted the report. |
CURRENT ENFORCEMENT NOTICE - PART 1 PDF 345 KB REPORT OF THE DEVELOPMENT AND CONSERVATION MANAGER Decision: The Development and Conservation Manager presented the report entitled ‘Current Enforcement Notes – Part 1’.
Minutes: Audio recording – 29 minutes 30 seconds
The Development and Conservation Manager presented the report entitled ‘Current Enforcement Notes – Part 1’.
RESOLVED: That the Committee noted the report. |
EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC To consider passing the following resolution: That under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, the Press and Public be excluded from the meeting on the grounds that the following report will involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the said Act (as amended). Decision: RESOLVED: That under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, the Press and Public be excluded from the meeting on the grounds that the following report will involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the said Act (as amended).
Minutes: Audio recording – 30 minutes 37 seconds
RESOLVED: That under Section 100A of the Local Government Act 1972, the Press and Public be excluded from the meeting on the grounds that the following report will involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the said Act (as amended). |
Decision: The Development and Conservation Manager presented the report entitled ‘Current Enforcement Actions – Part 2’.
Minutes: N.B. This item was considered in restricted session and therefore no recording is available.
The Development and Conservation Manager presented the report entitled ‘Current Enforcement Actions – Part 2’.
RESOLVED: That the Committee noted the report. |