Agenda item




Installation of 3no. retractable awnings (as amended by drawing 015A).


RESOLVED: That application 17/02297/1 be GRANTED planning permission, subject to conditions and reasons set out in the report of the Development and Conservation Manager.


Installation of 3no. retractable awnings (as amended by drawing 015A).


The Area Planning Officer presented the report of the Development and Conservation Manager, supported by a visual presentation consisting of plans, drawings and photographs of the site.


He advised that the applicant had agreed to reduce the depth of the awnings from 2.5 metres to 2 metres to prevent any overhand to the footway.


Ms Tracey Grainger thanked the Chairman for the opportunity to address the Committee in objection to application 17/02297/1.


Ms Grainger informed Members that the size and proposed bright red vermillion colour of the awnings is completely out of character with the red brick building and the conservation area. We suggested east elevation awnings of a more tasteful grey or green colour, with matching parasols at the front, but this offer was declined.


The awnings logo includes the word ‘Wine’ but no alcohol license has been applied for or granted.


NHDC set certain parameters around planning for this site and this was subsequently written into the 13 apartment leases and 1 retail lease to protect the leaseholders.


Notwithstanding these proposals are outside the terms of the applicants lease, our objections are legitimate on both planning grounds and on a stand alone basis.


You yourselves have admitted that you did not envisage a restaurant/wine bar but something more discreet such as a light touch cafe or deli and all we ask is that the terms and spirit of the original planning and our rights to enjoy our new homes are fully respected.


The Chairman thanked Ms Grainger for her presentation.


The Area Planning Officer advised that the awnings would be fully retractable and therefore may not be extended all of the time.


Members commented that normally when awnings were attached to a business, this was followed by table and chairs being placed outside which often caused problems for those using the pavements and queried whether a condition could be added that forbade the placing of chairs and tables on the footways.


They queried whether the colour of the awnings had been discussed during negotiations


The Area Planning Officer advised that the land under the awnings was within the curtilage of the building and therefore would not encroach on the highway.


In respect of the colour of the awnings, discussions were held with the applicant, however they did not wish to amend the colour as this was a corporate branding.


Members debated the introduction of café culture in this area and mixed views were expressed regarding whether this was an appropriate place and how this would affect the residents of the apartments above. They also discussed in some detail the proposed colour of the awnings and whether or not colours would clash with surrounding businesses or compliment the area.


The Development and Conservation Manager advised that the canvass, that created the colour, was not technically the development and as such could be changed at any time without the need for further permission. It was therefore not within the power of the Committee to determine the colour.


RESOLVED: That application 17/02297/1 be GRANTED planning permission, subject to conditions and reasons set out in the report of the Development and Conservation Manager.

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