Agenda item



Residential development comprising of up to 120 dwellings with vehicular access via Flint Road (all matters reserved except means of access).


RESOLVED: That application 21/00504/OP be GRANTED planning permission due to the reasons outlined in the report of the Development and Conservation Manager.


Audio recording – 4:26


The Development and Conservation Manager provided the following update:


·         The applicant was the Letchworth Heritage Foundation, and their representative was Mr. David Ames.

·         The application was for up to 120 dwellings. When the Reserved Matters were considered, there could be fewer.

·         The amount of affordable housing on this site would reduce pro-rata if fewer houses were developed as this was an outline application.

·         Condition 24 in the report was a duplicate on Condition 22 and was deleted.


The Development and Conservation Manager presented the report in respect of application 21/00504/OP supported by a visual presentation consisting of photographs and plans.


The following Members asked questions:


·         Councillor Sean Nolan

·         Councillor David Levett

·         Councillor Dave Winstanley


In response to the questions, the Development and Conservation Manager advised:


·         Hertfordshire County Council (HCC) had determined that Section 106 contribution would go towards improvement of the recycling centre.

·         The Revised Technical Report submitted by the applicant concluded that there would be no Highway Safety impact. The developer contributions would go towards improving capacity.

·         It was for HCC and the Central Bedfordshire authority to agree on recycling arrangements.


The Chair invited Julia Sonander to speak in objection of the application. Ms. Sonander thanked the Chair, gave a verbal presentation and advised:


·         The application was portrayed as an extension to Norton Village, but it was Letchworth that was being extended.

·         The Master Plan had not identified key services and the transport plan was inadequate.

·         Norton St Nicholas School was key to this plan, however it was selective on faith and not related to the catchment area. This was not addressed in the Master Plan.

·         There were limited access points to the site, and no safe transport connection to Letchworth.

·         There was no provision for cycling or to improve footpaths for modal use, and the bus service was limited.


The Chair invited David Ames to speak in support of the application. Mr. Ames thanked the Chair, gave a verbal presentation and advised:


·         The application was supported through the examination of the Local Plan and followed Planning Policy with affordable housing.

·         There was detailed engagement with the local community and key stakeholders such as the Allotment Association and schools.

·         Traffic, parking, connections and impact were identified as issues in the public consultation.

·         Lack of toilet provision at the current site and security concerns were also raised.

·         Cycle use would be promoted, and footpath 26 would be improved. Footpath lighting was also being discussed.

·         There was a biodiversity net gain for the site if this application was approved.

·         There were conditions to improve the recycling centre in the report.


In response to the question from Councillor David Levett, Mr. Ames advised that principles in the Master Plan would develop the idea of carbon zero homes further, such as through the incorporation of PV panels.


The Development and Conservation Manager responded to issues raised and advised:


·         Conditions would provide improvements to Flint Road and Blackhorse Lane.

·         Carbon zero homes would require an Energy Sustainability Statement to address credentials, generation and usage in proposed dwellings.


Councillor Sean Nolan commented that there was provision for walking and cycling improvements in the Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP), however no improvements were marked for Blackhorse Lane. The transport seemed cut off from the rest of town and asked if this could be further considered as part of the Sustainability Plan.


The Development and Conservation Manager advised that the financial contributions for those improvements would go to HCC, which would go to existing plans. Improvements to Blackhorse Lane could be discussed further as a reserved matter.


Councillor Nigel Mason commented on the concerns raised about sustainable transport and lack of cycling facilities on the site and felt more needed to be done to encourage cycling on this site.


Councillor Simon Bloxham commented that he had reservations around site access, and other modes of transport to the site needed to be considered.


Councillor David Levett proposed and Councillor Michael Muir seconded, and


RESOLVED: That application 21/00504/OP be GRANTED planning permission due to the reasons outlined in the report of the Development and Conservation Manager.

Supporting documents: