Agenda item




To approve the Strategic Masterplan Framework for land to the north of Stevenage.


RESOLVED:  That the motion was lost.


Audio recording – 1 hour 56 minutes 38 seconds


N.B Councillor Ian Mantle returned to the Chamber at 21:28.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor Daniel Allen presented referral 8G from Cabinet and the report ‘North Stevenage Strategic Masterplan Framework’ and stated that:


·       The site was an allocated development in the adopted Local Plan, site NS1 policy SP16 for the building of 900 homes and supporting infrastructure, and this required a Masterplan to be completed.

·       The Masterplan had been produced by the applicant in collaboration with Council Officers and advisors following guidelines and procedures.

·       The draft masterplan had been subject to public consultation.

·       The Masterplan had been referred from Cabinet.


The following Members asked questions:


·       Councillor Tom Tyson

·       Councillor Jon Clayden

·       Councillor Alistair Willoughby

·       Councillor Matt Barnes

·       Councillor Ralph Muncer

·       Councillor Claire Strong

·       Councillor Steve Jarvis

·       Councillor Sam Collins


In response to questions, the Strategic Planning Manger advised:


·       An Outline Planning application had been submitted for this site and was under consideration. The Masterplan was for consideration prior to the determination of the application, and this was in-line with policy, Should the Masterplan be approved, it would provide the design framework and be used as consideration in determining the application.

·       The applicant and Officers were already working on the design code, the Masterplan was the second of six stages of the code.

·       The street width was not considered in the Masterplan and would be reviewed at a later design stage.

·       Shopping habits had changed post Covid and there was evidence that a retail provision would not be viable on the site, but there would be a retail provision provided on the adjacent site. This site would have a focus on Community functions.

·       There would be a Community Hub on the site, and health had been identified as a potential use pending NHS commitment.

·       There had been a public consultation last spring at Stevenage Rugby Club and the draft Masterplan was available online.

·       There had been meetings with stakeholders to discuss the Masterplan.

·       It was no longer perceived as practical to plant dense conifers as a boundary and a mixture of trees, hedgerows and planting was now encouraged.

·       Along with the adjacent site a new community would be built, with links to Stevenage including bus routes and a cycle network. However, each site would have a distinct character.

·       There would essentially be one access point from North Road, with the potential to form a loop with the Stevenage site, thus forming two access points.

·       Highways had approved the access points using transport modelling and pending a further transport assessment. The modelling concentrated on movements by car, bicycles and on foot.

·       The transport modelling had been completed by the District Council through the County Council. It was expected that any applicant would also complete their own assessment at a later date.

·       There would be as many active traffic connections as possible, with networks into Stevenage, this would be further explored at the next design stage.

·       It was expected that the applicant would make contributions to traffic projects in the area.


The following Members took part in debate:


·       Councillor Dominic Griffiths

·       Councillor Dave Winstanley

·       Councillor Ralph Muncer

·       Councillor Daniel Allen

·       Councillor Ruth Brown

·       Councillor Tom Tyson

·       Councillor Sam Collins

·       Councillor Matt Barnes


Points raised in debate included:


·       There were concerns regarding only one access point to the site and the sheer weight of traffic which would use Junction 8 of the A1(M).

·       The Masterplan was striving for the highest level of Biodiversity Net Gain.

·       There were a number of outstanding issues, particularly with the infrastructure.

·       The vast majority of residents would be reliant on their cars, and this would lead to further congestion in the area.

·       The site needed more links to the adjacent site.

·       The site was approved in the Local Plan, and more housing was needed in the North Herts area.

·       Some of the issues would be resolved at the next design stages.

·       The site should have been considered alongside, or together with, the adjacent site as a cross boundary Masterplan.

·       There had been a lack of community engagement.

·       There were concerns regarding the potential of a management company for the site.

·       The Masterplan was policy compliant on affordable housing.

·       There would be retailers on the Stevenage side of the development.

·       The Masterplan respected nearby Gravely village.

·       It did not feel like there was a coherent extension to the Stevenage site.

·       There was a lack of facilities within the site.

·       The Masterplan should be rejected, and changes made regarding the concerns raised in this debate.


In response to points raised in debate, the Service Director – Regulatory stated that if the motion was not supported the framework would be further considered by the project board alongside the developer, and presented again to a future Cabinet meeting, advising of any possible changes.


Councillor Daniel Allen proposed and Councillor Mick Debenham seconded and, following a vote, it was:


RESOLVED:  That the motion was lost.

Supporting documents: