
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.

Decisions published
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
CHAIR'S ANNOUNCEMENTS ref: 563515/03/202315/03/2023Not for call-in
NOTIFICATION OF OTHER BUSINESS ref: 563415/03/202315/03/2023Not for call-in
MINUTES - 14 DECEMBER 2022 ref: 563315/03/202315/03/2023Not for call-in
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE ref: 563215/03/202315/03/2023Not for call-in
GRANTS & COMMUNITY UPDATE ref: 563815/03/202315/03/2023Not for call-in
HERTFORDSHIRE CONSTABULARY - UPDATE ref: 563615/03/202315/03/2023Not for call-in
WARD MATTERS AND OUTSIDE ORGANISATIONS - MEMBERS' REPORTS ref: 563915/03/202315/03/2023Not for call-in
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ref: 563715/03/202315/03/2023Not for call-in
THIRD QUARTER 2022/23 INVESTMENT STRATEGY (CAPITAL AND TREASURY) ref: 561714/03/202314/03/2023Not for call-in
THIRD QUARTER REVENUE BUDGET MONITORING 2022/23 ref: 561814/03/202314/03/2023Not for call-in
RIPA POLICY UPDATE ref: 562114/03/202314/03/2023Not for call-in
LEISURE MANAGEMENT CONTRACT UPDATE ref: 562214/03/202314/03/2023Not for call-in
NOTIFICATION OF OTHER BUSINESS ref: 561014/03/202314/03/2023Not for call-in
MINUTES - 31 JANUARY 2023 ref: 560914/03/202314/03/2023Not for call-in
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE ref: 561614/03/202314/03/2023Not for call-in
ITEMS REFERRED FROM OTHER COMMITTEES ref: 561314/03/202314/03/2023Not for call-in
SUSTAINABILITY SPD ref: 561414/03/202314/03/2023Not for call-in
2023-24 PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT MEASURES - COUNCIL DELIVERY PLAN ref: 562014/03/202314/03/2023Not for call-in
Q3 UPDATE ON COUNCIL DELIVERY PLAN ref: 561914/03/202314/03/2023Not for call-in
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ref: 561214/03/202314/03/2023Not for call-in
CHAIR'S ANNOUNCEMENTS ref: 561114/03/202314/03/2023Not for call-in
STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTS 2021/22 ref: 558208/03/202308/03/2023Not for call-in
THIRD QUARTER REVENUE BUDGET MONITORING 2022/23 ref: 558608/03/202308/03/2023Not for call-in
AUDIT RESULTS REPORT ref: 558108/03/202308/03/2023Not for call-in
THIRD QUARTER 2022/23 INVESTMENT STRATEGY (CAPITAL AND TREASURY) ref: 558708/03/202308/03/2023Not for call-in
Q3 2022/23 AUDIT UPDATE REPORT ref: 558508/03/202308/03/2023Not for call-in
AUDIT PLAN 2023/24 ref: 558408/03/202308/03/2023Not for call-in
SAFS PROPOSED ANTI-FRAUD PLAN 2023/24 AND PROGRESS WITH DELIVERY OF 2022/23 AUDIT PLAN ref: 558308/03/202308/03/2023Not for call-in
LOCAL CODE OF GOVERNANCE ref: 558008/03/202308/03/2023Not for call-in
ANNUAL GOVERNANCE STATEMENT ref: 557908/03/202308/03/2023Not for call-in
POSSIBLE AGENDA ITEMS FOR FUTURE MEETINGS ref: 558808/03/202308/03/2023Not for call-in
PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ref: 557808/03/202308/03/2023Not for call-in
CHAIR'S ANNOUNCEMENTS ref: 557708/03/202308/03/2023Not for call-in
NOTIFICATION OF OTHER BUSINESS ref: 557608/03/202308/03/2023Not for call-in
MINUTES - 25 JANUARY 2023 ref: 557508/03/202308/03/2023Not for call-in
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE ref: 557408/03/202308/03/2023Not for call-in