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Decision Maker: Cabinet
Made at meeting: 19/03/2024 - Cabinet
Decision published: 03/04/2024
Effective from: 19/03/2024
Audio recording – 13 minutes 12 seconds
Councillor Amy Allen, Executive Member for Recycling and Waste Management presented the report entitled ‘Expansion of the Soft Plastics Collection Trial’ and advised that:
· This report sought approval for the expansion of the kerbside collection of soft plastics.
· A trial had taken place in Knebworth since November 2023, where approximately 2,000 households had fortnightly collections of soft plastics, which had been successful.
· The proposed expansion across North and East Hertfordshire would reach around 6,250 homes by 2025.
The following Members asked questions:
· Councillor Ruth Brown
· Councillor Ian Albert
· Councillor Elizabeth Dennis
In response to questions the Contracts Manager – Waste advised that:
· As the trial in Knebworth had been successful the next areas to be trialled would be Royston and some of the villages in the Royston, to gain a wider demographical picture.
· An initial flyer had been posted to residents, followed by a hand delivery of a leaflet and a pack of sacks to enable residents to participate in the trial.
· There had been positive feedback received from residents and more sacks had been requested.
· This project will be fully funded up to April.
· North Herts Council would be introducing this across the district from 2025 which was ahead of the government deadline of 2027.
· Work was ongoing with the current processor to look at what was working well with the collections and what was not going so well, to produce a final service design for the contract.
Councillor Amy Allen proposed, and Councillor Ruth Brown seconded, and following a vote, it was:
RESOLVED: That Cabinet:
(1) Agreed to the expansion of the Flex Collect trial and kerbside collections of soft plastics.
(2) Delegated to the Service Director Place any necessary change to the collection demographic and area for the trial.
(1) One of the key aims of the project is to give insight into the types and quantities of soft plastics available for collection. The current Knebworth collections partially mimic the 2025 services, however the expansion of the service seeks to gather data from a wider demographic.
(2) North Herts residents’ current participation in the trial has yielded good participation levels with high volumes of soft plastics being collected per household. The Shared Waste Service is also gathering information on collection issues and the effectiveness of communication methods. Expanding the project will give the Council an opportunity to further test operational implications of collections, quantities and types of plastic collected from different areas and exploring processing requirements. The expanded trial more closely mimics the new service roll out in 2025.
(3) The expanded trial coincidences with the Shared Waste Service undertaking market testing in advance of considering processing options for material from 2025. The additional trial data will inform our future Material Recovery Facility (MRF) contract procurement or extension needs for 2025 and provide data for the wider industry to better prepare for the anticipated mandated collection of soft plastics.
(4) The expansion of the trial is fully funded until April 2025 by the Flexible Plastics Fund.
Decision Maker: Standards Committee
Made at meeting: 27/03/2024 - Standards Committee
Decision published: 02/04/2024
Effective from: 27/03/2024
RESOLVED: That the Committee reviewed the new model Members Planning Code of Good Practice
RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL: The adoption of new Code (Appendix A to this report) as the Appendix 1 to Section 8 of the Constitution replacement, with proposed appropriate amendments.
REASON FOR RECOMMENDATION: To ensure good governance within the Council.
Decision Maker: Standards Committee
Made at meeting: 27/03/2024 - Standards Committee
Decision published: 02/04/2024
Effective from: 27/03/2024
RESOLVED: That the Committee
(1) Noted the content of the report and made suggestions on future actions.
(2) Delegated to the Monitoring Officer, in consultation with the Chair, Vice Chair any appropriate amendments to the Complaints Handling Procedure – following the publication of the Local Government & Social Care Ombudsman Code (as detailed in 8.3-8.5).
(3) Recommended that any Parish, Town and Community Councillors who have been newly elected/ or not undertaken training on the Code of Conduct during the last 12 months, undertakes Code of Conduct training, as supplied by the Council / or LGA within 2 months of their election or co-options, whichever is the later date.
RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL:That all District Councillors should undertake post, all-out election training on the Code of Conduct within 2 months of their election (or availability of the training) whichever is the later date.
REASON FOR RECOMMENDATION: To ensure good governance within the Council.
Decision Maker: Standards Committee
Made at meeting: 27/03/2024 - Standards Committee
Decision published: 02/04/2024
Effective from: 27/03/2024
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Raj Bhakar, Councillor Gerald Morris and Reserve Independent Person John Richardson.
Decision Maker: Standards Committee
Made at meeting: 27/03/2024 - Standards Committee
Decision published: 02/04/2024
Effective from: 27/03/2024
The Chair confirmed that the registered speaker was in attendance.
Decision Maker: Standards Committee
Made at meeting: 27/03/2024 - Standards Committee
Decision published: 02/04/2024
Effective from: 27/03/2024
(1) The Chair advised that, in accordance with Council Policy, the meeting would be recorded.
(2) The Chair drew attention to the item on the agenda front pages regarding Declarations of Interest and reminded Members that, in line with the Code of Conduct, any Declarations of Interest needed to be declared immediately prior to the item in question.
(3) The Chair advised for the purpose of clarification Clause 4.8.23(a) of the Constitution does not apply to this meeting.
Decision Maker: Standards Committee
Made at meeting: 27/03/2024 - Standards Committee
Decision published: 02/04/2024
Effective from: 27/03/2024
There was no other business notified.
Decision Maker: Standards Committee
Made at meeting: 27/03/2024 - Standards Committee
Decision published: 02/04/2024
Effective from: 27/03/2024
RESOLVED:That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on 1 November 2023 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chair.
Decision Maker: Planning Control Committee
Made at meeting: 21/03/2024 - Planning Control Committee
Decision published: 25/03/2024
Effective from: 21/03/2024
RESOLVED: That the Committee noted the report.
Lead officer: Helen Watson
Decision Maker: Planning Control Committee
Made at meeting: 21/03/2024 - Planning Control Committee
Decision published: 25/03/2024
Effective from: 21/03/2024
RESOLVED: That application 22/02628/FP be GRANTED planning permission subject to the completion of a satisfactory Planning Obligation, with the applicant agreeing to extend the statutory period in order to complete the agreement if required and the reasons and conditions set out in the report of the Development and Conservation Manager with amended conditions 6, 7 and 9, and an addition to informative 5.
“Condition 6:
Before commencement of the highways works and landscaping works relating to this development, additional plans shall be submitted and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority which show the provision of pedestrian dropped kerbs and tactile paving across the site at all key junction points / pedestrian desire lines. The works shall be implemented as approved by this plan before first occupation.
Reason: So that all users of the development can safely, conveniently, and sustainably walk and wheel access the site, in compliance with paragraphs 110-112 of the NPPF, and Inclusive Mobility 2022.
Condition 7:
No dwelling forming part of the development shall be occupied until the bus stop along Westmill Road (120 metres south of Freemans Close) has been upgraded. The upgrade shall include build out of the kerbline to the Westmill Road carriageway edge (i.e. removal of the layby) and raised Kassel kerbing. Before first occupation of any part of the development, this work shall be completed.
Reason: To ensure residents and visitors of the development have the realistic option of travelling by local bus routes, and not a reliance on the private motorcar, in accordance with paragraphs 110 - 112 of the NPPF and in accordance with Policy T1 of the North Hertfordshire Local Plan (2011-2031.
Condition 9:
Before the development hereby approved is first occupied, all on site vehicular areas, including internal access roads, forecourts, garages, carports and external parking spaces, shall be accessible, surfaced, marked out and fully completed in accordance with the approved plans. Arrangements shall be made for surface water from the site to be intercepted and disposed of separately so that it does not discharge into the highway.
Reason: So as to ensure satisfactory parking of vehicles outside highway limits and to minimise danger, obstruction, and inconvenience to users of the highway and of the premises.
Informative 5:
A Sustainable Highway improvements/sustainable transport contribution of £24,640 (index linked to SPONS January 2019) is payable by a Planning Obligation.”
Lead officer: Naomi Reynard
Decision Maker: Planning Control Committee
Made at meeting: 21/03/2024 - Planning Control Committee
Decision published: 25/03/2024
Effective from: 21/03/2024
The Chair confirmed that agenda item 6, 23/00563/FP had been deferred to a future meeting of the Committee.
Lead officer: Ben Glover
Decision Maker: Planning Control Committee
Made at meeting: 21/03/2024 - Planning Control Committee
Decision published: 25/03/2024
Effective from: 21/03/2024
RESOLVED: That application 23/01947/FP be GRANTED planning permission subject to the reasons and conditions set out in the report of the Development and Conservation Manager as amended by the Supplementary agenda and with the following additional Conditions 17 and 18 and the following amendment to informative 3 and the addition of informative 8.
“Condition 17:
The retail unit hereby permitted shall not be open to customers and there shall not be any deliveries outside the hours of 07:00 until 23:00 Monday to Sunday and Bank Holidays.
Reason: In the interests of amenity in accordance with Policy D3 of the North Hertfordshire Local Plan 2011-2031.
Condition 18:
The development hereby approved shall be carried out in accordance with the submitted lighting scheme (Plan No. 020-16-E-01) and retained as such thereafter unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.
Reason: To ensure the development minimises light pollution and to protect wildlife and habitats in accordance with Policy NE4 of the North Hertfordshire Local Plan 2011-2031 and Section 15 of the NPPF (2023).
Informative 3:
It is an offence under section 137 of the Highways Act 1980 for any person, without lawful authority or excuse, in any way to wilfully obstruct the free passage along a highway or public right of way. If this development is likely to result in the public highway or public right of way network becoming routinely blocked (fully or partly) the applicant must contact the Highway Authority to obtain their permission and requirements before construction works commence (such as the installation of a box junction or keep clear marks). Further information is available via the website telephoning 0300 1234047.
Informative 8:
The applicant shall investigate a scheme of sustainability measures for the shop building, including the installation of solar panels. If sustainability measures are deemed to be feasible, they shall be implemented on site and retained thereafter.”
Lead officer: Ben Glover
Decision Maker: Planning Control Committee
Made at meeting: 21/03/2024 - Planning Control Committee
Decision published: 25/03/2024
Effective from: 21/03/2024
RESOLVED: That application 23/01259/FP be GRANTED planning permission subject to the reasons and conditions set out in the report of the Development and Conservation Manager.
Lead officer: Alex Howard
Decision Maker: Planning Control Committee
Made at meeting: 21/03/2024 - Planning Control Committee
Decision published: 25/03/2024
Effective from: 21/03/2024
RESOLVED: That application 21/01882/FP be REFUSED planning permission as the proposed development would make insufficient contribution towards meeting the District’s affordable housing needs identified in the North Hertfordshire Local Plan 2011 to 2031 and therefore would conflict with the aims of Local Plan Policy HS2.
Lead officer: Anne McDonald
Decision Maker: Planning Control Committee
Made at meeting: 21/03/2024 - Planning Control Committee
Decision published: 25/03/2024
Effective from: 21/03/2024
The Chair confirmed that the registered speakers were in attendance.
Decision Maker: Planning Control Committee
Made at meeting: 21/03/2024 - Planning Control Committee
Decision published: 25/03/2024
Effective from: 21/03/2024
(1) The Chair advised that, in accordance with Council Policy, the meeting would be recorded.
(2) The Chair drew attention to the item on the agenda front pages regarding Declarations of Interest and reminded Members that, in line with the Code of Conduct, any Declarations of Interest needed to be declared immediately prior to the item in question.
(3) The Chair clarified matters for the registered speakers.
(4) The Chair advised that Section 4.8.23(a) of the Constitution applied to the meeting.
(5) The Chair advised that agenda item 6, 23/00563/FP, had been deferred to a future meeting of the Committee to allow the Council to consider late information submitted to Members of the Planning Control Committee by the applicant and the Planning Authority was considering its own independent legal advice.
Decision Maker: Planning Control Committee
Made at meeting: 21/03/2024 - Planning Control Committee
Decision published: 25/03/2024
Effective from: 21/03/2024
There was no other business notified.
Decision Maker: Planning Control Committee
Made at meeting: 21/03/2024 - Planning Control Committee
Decision published: 25/03/2024
Effective from: 21/03/2024
RESOLVED:That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on 15 February 2024 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chair.
Decision Maker: Planning Control Committee
Made at meeting: 21/03/2024 - Planning Control Committee
Decision published: 25/03/2024
Effective from: 21/03/2024
Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Daniel Allen, Louise Peace, Ian Moody, Sean Nolan and Terry Tyler.
Having given due notice Councillor Steve Jarvis substituted for Councillor Peace, Councillor Ian Mantle substituted for Councillor Allen, Councillor Dave Winstanley substituted for Councillor Nolan and Councillor Michael Muir substituted for Councillor Moody.
Decision Maker: Cabinet Panel on the Environment
Made at meeting: 20/03/2024 - Cabinet Panel on the Environment
Decision published: 22/03/2024
Effective from: 20/03/2024
There was no Public Participation at this meeting.
Decision Maker: Cabinet Panel on the Environment
Made at meeting: 20/03/2024 - Cabinet Panel on the Environment
Decision published: 22/03/2024
Effective from: 20/03/2024
There was no other business notified.
Decision Maker: Cabinet Panel on the Environment
Made at meeting: 20/03/2024 - Cabinet Panel on the Environment
Decision published: 22/03/2024
Effective from: 20/03/2024
(1) The Chair advised that, in accordance with Council Policy, the meeting would be audio recorded.
(2) The Chair drew attention to the item on the agenda front pages regarding Declarations of Interest and reminded Members that, in line with the Code of Conduct, any Declarations of Interest needed to be declared immediately prior to the item in question.
(3) The Chair reminded Members that the Council had declared both a Climate Emergency and an Ecological Emergency. These are serious decisions, and mean that, as this was an emergency, all of us, Officers and Members had that in mind as we carried out our various roles and tasks for the benefit of our District.
Decision Maker: Cabinet Panel on the Environment
Made at meeting: 20/03/2024 - Cabinet Panel on the Environment
Decision published: 22/03/2024
Effective from: 20/03/2024
RESOLVED:That the Minutes of the Meeting of the Committee held on 6 December 2023 be approved as a true record of the proceedings and be signed by the Chair.
Decision Maker: Cabinet Panel on the Environment
Made at meeting: 20/03/2024 - Cabinet Panel on the Environment
Decision published: 22/03/2024
Effective from: 20/03/2024
Apologies for absence were received from Councillors David Levett, Louise Peace and Gerald Morris.
Having given due notice Councillor Juan Cowell substituted for Councillor Gerald Morris.